May 20, 2008 21:29
Sometimes I wonder what people fear in life. Is it clowns? Is it spiders or snakes? Is it death? And this small question wonders off like a hero on a journey as I ponder about the question for myself. What do I fear the most. It just seems fitting that today was the day that I felt like answering that question. Though I put full blame on what I had to drink before hand. Here goes anyways.
There are times I wonder about my life. I am the kind of person who believes that life is nothing more then the fucked up off chance of positive and negative polarities in a sea of absolutely nothing. That is all we are. So as humans we try our hardest to believe that there is something more to life then just this randomly complex formula of nothing. Nay, this isn't what I fear. It is the idea that we call time. When I was a little child I never fully understood time. I believed that I was going to be a child all my life. The sands of time dropped slowly from the hour glass, a year alone felt like eons. But as I grew older like any other human that hour glass felt as if it has been speeding up. My concepts of life, time, and death are things that are so foreign to other people that it no one other then me will understand. I'm sorry for this.
To tell the truth my life is much like the worm that eats it's own tail. Time is also nothing more then this... this curse we carry. Though I am a cold hearted person deep down inside. This is something that annoys me to the greatest extent like a tiger trying to catch it's prey that it know it cannot catch. It fills me with love and fear. The two basic building block of the universe. Positive, negative. Light, darkness. Happiness, sorrow. And you thought 23 was the shit. The basis of everything is a mixture of of just these two ingredients.
No it's not. I'm just a mad man rambling on... You know. I'm sorry for this. I'm just fucked up right now and I can't fully word my thoughts. Maybe I have, but no one can understand them. My mind is warped. And I'm lost in it. A labyrinth of my thoughts.
I just think too much. Never mind, there is nothing wrong with me, I think.