Feb 07, 2007 09:45
let's talk about my OBSESSION with being so busy i cannot breathe.
i love it.
if i keep this up, i will never have to think again.
my life is a whirlwind.
but really.
i got to watch 20 minutes of Dr. Phil yesterday and that was the first time i have watched television since....ever, i think.
i have no idea what songs are on the radio.
no idea what's happening in the world.
no idea what is on TV.
and no idea why i am wearing this hot orange lipstick right now.
i truly live in my own little bubble here at MSU.
it is brilliance.
it's completely ridiculous.
what i am doing?
and yet, so perfect.
today i woke up at 5:30am for rehearsal with Marlo-which went until 9am.
now i have class from 10:20 until 2:40.
then i have a meeting in the aud about the t-shirt i am designing.
then i have to EAT.
rehearsal with mark at 5.
dance concert dress rehearsal begins and 6 until 9? 10? 11? who knows!?
then homework for tomorrow.........
this is my life.
but i did find time to write in this stupid thing...
let's be honest...
sometimes i wonder if my entire life will be like this.
for real though.
it was a lot like this in high school...and i always assumed that college would be busy too, but not like this.
i can't imagine what my life will be like.
i honestly get bored if i stop for 10 minutes.
do i really need this many distractions??
i say "yes" to every project i am asked to do.
and then i bend over backwards and die trying to fit everything in.
this insanity has always been my excuse for not having a relationship.
i will be one lonely old phuhl.