Nov 27, 2005 01:10
back by popular demand
this house could not be colder
ever feel anxiety to the point where like
u start shaking
thats me right now it the coldness of the house??
or the amazingly horrible stress i am feeling at this very moment
this is one of those moments where u feel like there is no way out
u fucked up big time
and if u don't find a way to fix it
ur screwed...and screwing over some other ppl who play an important role in your life
and now...they're gonna be pissed
i don't know what to do
i am this very moment...getting an ulcer
oh shit
ohhhhhooooooooohhhhh shit
yea this sucks
...i'm sorry
this must be painful to read
u've never read so much bitching in ur life
and to u-my issue is probably pretty insignificant
but aren't most issues
i mean...we're selfish people
sure...i have compassion...
but at the same time
i am screwed right now...and thats all i can think about
and my problem means shit to u
and ur problem isn't as bad as mine...except it very well could be
but u couldn't convince me that its worse right now
cuz whoa
shut the ******** up
k...i'm done
chill out now i had a vintage b-day party with some favs from WCSPA
sure i had to kick out some crazy fools
and i had a tiny mid-party tantrum
and a tiny mid-mid party tantrum
and a tiny mid-mid-mid party tantrum
but what r parties for?
um...for fun
and dancing
(which there was plenty o dancing...heck wouldn't be a party in my basement without a shitload of dancin...its what i do)
and drama
i'm sorry
there is always drama
there were actually 3 drama moments...and they were all caused by me..well...not caused by...but i pretty much made them known...u know
sorry kids
problem A) music was all messed up...and music is #1 most important party material...unless ur a crack-addict...then, i'm guessing ur #1 party material would be crack...but my padre came and fixed it
problem B) kids trying to ditch ms. uhlster for another shin-dig...i don't think so...but its all good...i'm over it...and my party was hella good(ew)
problem C) sneaky sisters...i dunno...stupid me and my overreacting
what can i say
i'm a big phat fat phuhl...and just so u know...thats pronounced now everytime u think fool...u gotta think phuhl...u got the P-H from the sounding like F...and the UHL from my great great grandpa german man...except ignore its correct pronunciation of UHL...and make it OOL....and there u go...u get PHUHL.
p.s. i am not ending my livejournal yet cuz i needed to vent about my stress
except not haha
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