Jul 15, 2007 02:24
So the last few months, and I'm not really sure why, I've been getting ignored, shafted, and lied to by a bunch of different people I used to hang out with. I wouldn't consider any of them really close friends, but they're definitely people I try to stay in touch with and who it's nice to talk to every now and then. Yet, for some reason, people don't reply to phone calls, completely ignore emails and/or facebook wall posts I leave (I know because they skip over mine and answer the ones before and after), and when I do finally get a chance to talk to them they either pretend they never got them or make up some lame excuse as to why they didn't do anything about it. I know I try to stay in touch with others more than other people, but it's not like I'm nagging people or overtaking their lives. Maybe I just try to hard and people I meet and spend time with in the past should stay in the past. What to you guys think?