Unsustainable Schedule

Apr 16, 2009 03:03

I am deficit spending my time, and this is not going to end well at all.
3 physics labs is definitely too much. Along with String Theory, which is essentially All Fields of Modern Physics 101 + String Theory.

I just hope I can finish enough up to get a paper out before Adam and Rommie (BOTH advisors of mine) leave to take their faculty positions at Hamilton and UCI respectively, or else next year I will have to contend not only with my own scheduling difficulties, but the multiple timezones and conference calls. But obviously research is going to take secondary status compared to school, so..sigh.

And then there are those damn orgs to whom I donate far more time than I should. Circle K, Relay, and ACSSA. Why do I feel so compelled to give them all my time? 2/3 of them don't appreciate me at all, and the other one is the one that's quickly becoming my greatest timesink. And there's not much more I can cut..I've cut Circle K and Relay tabling, which were some of my greatest timesinks earlier...but I can't cut on ACSSA, because I now have presidential responsibility...lame. I suspect Relay will be up on the cutting board next, seeing as this past year has been even worse than the year before...but even so...that may not be enough.

Argh. If only our universe had a second time dimension we could travel through. (Ha. Too much physics on the brain.)
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