The Helia Round Robin: 3.2

Apr 12, 2011 09:09

Main Post
racing_oatmeal  1.0 | 1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | downloads
verocchio  2.1 | 2.2 | 2.3 | 2.4
upendoaushi  3.0 | 3.1

Last update I was very mean and left with a baby cliffhanger...

... but hopefully the toddler!Baltar wait was worth it :)

I think he's one of my most favorite toddler's I've had.

Tom (niloublue ) has become rather obsessed with the chessboard, and
he and Hawking's (racing_oatmeal ) entire relationship is built upon the chess matches they've played together.

Unfortunatley Ashelia (verocchio ) doesn't share this sentiment

Indignant Tom does not approve.

"GUYYSSS. Stop being so MEAN and PLAY NICE!"
Thank you Baltar.

I had the lovely Julian Ceasar (sawcat ) come over to see if he could charm Ashelia
into having his genetics, but sadly it did not go well.

It also turns out that Julian and Tom are tots bffls.

Huh. Well why not. Nobody's got nothin' on his and Ashelia's love, right?

Kinda cute.

Kinda crushing?

Kinda WHAAA???

"I sense a disturbance in the force."

And then ACR took over.

Apparently it's not disturbing enough for Ashelia to even notice

Oh dear.

"Laladadeedee I'm makin' soup!"
I hope it's the best soup you ever had :-/

It's at this point that Baltar becomes very sad.
True, it's probably because his parents don't pay much attention to him,


Ashelia: "Do you know anything about Tom's doings? He's been quite lathargic recently and I need to know why."
Hawking: "I'm on it!"

Hawking: "Hmm, lethargy seems at its peak whilst potty training. I should make a note of this."

Now I'm quite sad that I can't remember her name, but she's a jesstheex creation and I find her adorable.

Now what's that look for Ashelia? Do you finally approve of another sim?

Cuz it looks like she approves of you.

Very much approves

Especially evil at this moment? I vote yes!

Aww Hawking. Just because they used your bed to perpetuate lesbian infidelity doesn't mean you have to be sad about it.

"So I heard woohoo noises coming from your room last night. You get lucky or something?"

"Now how am I supposed to know THAT?"
Way to cover for your grandkid, Hawking.

All this stress is weakening his bowels :-(

Enough with this stuff. Let's celebrate birthdays!

It's all good that Ashelia left food on the burner! Birthdays!

Yayayayay Baltar's gonna be self-reliant! Yay birthdays!

And now the burner's smoking but it's OK! Birthdays!

It's only natural everyone flees the kitchen as Baltar grows up badly from being unloved! Hooray Birthdays!

WOW! The oven was so excited for the Birthdays it caught fire!

And Hawking was so overwhelmed from it all he completely had a meltdown!

Awww Yeah. Birthdays.

After all that it looks like Hawking is in much better shape....

... or not.

Well, Baltar. Welcome to childhood.

It also appears as that any possible infidelity blowouts have passed. These two still love each other...

And on that bombshell, it's time to end!

legacy: helia, pixel_trade, challenge: round robin

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