I figured I wanted to try something new and exciting... so I did! Introducing my very first creation, a Multi-PT Replacement Set!
From left to right, we have Rose, Dorothy, Sophia, and Blanche, all wanting to spawn your alien babies!
A few examples of offspring :)
Currently they all have custom skins, with Sophia taking on the defaults in your game. Make sure you only have one set installed at a time, or else....
MEGA Thanks to
MultiPT tutorial and all of fwiffo's hacking. Again, since this is the first time I've EVER made anything in SimPE, please let me know if any bugs come up. It all worked nicely in my game, but you never know.
Enjoy! All included:
Uranium P32 Space ModulatorA customized version of Pooklet's
My Poor Lover 9fantasyrogue 's
Blue Alien Skintone
Space Oddity SapphireNialong's
Hell-o Dolly jbruntz's
Trialien Not included:
My Defaults
Less Talk More Butcherysausage's
Default Space Oddity -Bluechip