May 04, 2006 23:29
Ok, so no one told me it was cold out this morning so I left for school with a light sweater on and had to walk two freaking blocks from my car to the school. I froze my butt off, especially waiting on portage for the light to change so I could cross. it had better warm back up soon or I'm going to get cranky.
So, being away from math for 2 years I had totally forgot just how much work it required. Problem after problem they just never seem to end, then after spending 5 minutes working out a problem you get 2x3 + 4x2 - 3x + 5 instead of 2x3 - 4x2 - 3x + 5 and you have to redo the entire problem to figure out what you did wrong. It's kind of annoying. But other than that class seems to be going alright. My prof is this really old guy whose probably around 70 but acts like he's 90 yet flirts with the girls in the front row (kinda creepy). I also got the rest of my marks today, I'm not really impressed, for the second straight year in a row my gpa will be 3.725. Seriously what are the chances of that. it's not even moving a thousandth of a point. ARGH I guess I'm just not meant to get good grades. HUMPH
Work yesterday was slow, sehr langweilig (very boring for all you non-german folk). But it was also nice because I just stood around with the other girls looking at avon catalogs, my manager Jenn sells the stuff and it was a lot of fun to go through it with her and have her show us the good stuff to buy and the other crap to say away from (and horror stories in some cases).
I got an email from Joey today, he has an approximate eta of mid-July which is good because we can hang out before school starts. I really miss his humor that he adds to a conversation. I start to wonder though, with all that he's done and seen do you think he'll be the same person that he was when he left (obviously not) but how much has he really changed. it's hard to get a read on this from just emails back and forth.
So that was life this week so far, not every interesting if you ask me.