May 15, 2004 15:54
i don't understand. tonight, my family wanted to go see a movie, and naturally, everyone just decides that me and my mother want to see a chick flick (13 going on 30, like i really want to see that) and my dad and two brothers will go see Troy. i mean when the whole family is actually together is very rare. why are we seperating ourselves to go see a movie as a family? shouldn't we stay home and play a game or something? i know that i'd have so much more fun staying home playing a game then going to see a movie. i like entertaining myself, not have others, such as movies, entertain me...
just got back from seeing Troy. it was actually better than i expected it to be. i'm pretty disappointed in orlando bloom, however, because.. he can't act. i mean he is gorgeous but the man can't act. he was great in lord of the rings (i think) because he was playing an elf. in the pirates of the carribean, at the end he was supposed to be pirate-like correct? he was sort of like a 'fairy pirate' says mi madre. and in troy? he was basically the wimpy brother of a prince who couldn't fight.. but hey, he's still a cutie ^.^ you know what else i think? i think that for the next 5 years, every action movie that deals with armies is going to try and top Lord of the Rings army battle they had in the second movie. but i mean c'mon you can't beat thousands of these twisted looking evil orcs against old guys or boys who don't know how to fight. they are fighting in the rain, and when i saw it in the theater, i was thinking to myself 'holy shit i'd piss my pants if i was one of those men' lmao. ok i'm leaving now. later.