Feb 09, 2010 16:33
Earlier today, I posted a three line entry venting some frustration. The reason this post was so brief was because I was extremely short on time, but so frustrated that I assumed writing a quick post about it would be preferable to picking up a textbook and hitting the kid who sits next to me with it. However, my quick post was misinterpreted, and consequently I'll now take the time to explain in order to defend myself.
I take a philosophy/theology class twice a week. In the particular area of the small classroom where I sit is a group of people who consistently come to class extremely cranky. They are all writing theses on expansive moral topics, which I could more or less recite to you. I can do this, because they use their theses as soapboxes on which to stand and preach to the rest of the class about how we're morally terrible people. In short, I'd like to hear much less of their theses and more of the assigned reading material. No, really, I've been damned to hell in this class this week, and it's only tuesday.