UP AME's Alternative Classroom learning Experience
When January 18, 2006 Thursday 1-4PM
Where CAL 202
In participation of this semester’s Alternative Classroom Learning Experience (ACLE), the University of the Philippines Anime Manga Enthusiasts will hold "Shinigami: Declassified", a class that will discuss the concept of Japanese death gods, more popularly known as Shinigami. We will also talk comparatively about how the Shinigami myth is applied in such anime and manga series as Bleach, Death Note, Full Moon o Sagashite, and Yami no Matsuei. A mini-filmshowing of selected titles will follow the lecture proper.
There will also be manga scan CDs to be given away, as well as prizes for participants in the icebreaker games.
We hope to see you there!
ACLE Poster ]