
Exceedingly rare public post.

Aug 04, 2008 06:30


julietk is currently at Climate Camp, a gathering of people in Kent to protest against plans to build the first new coal-fired power station in the UK for 30 years, and the general expansion of fossil fuel use. The camp also hosts a large number of workshops on sustainable living and politics of climate change, and will be attended by people such as Green MEP Caroline Lucas. My understanding is that the landowner is fine with what's going on, so they are not doing anything illegal. Unfortunately, the police have been quite heavy-handed this year, searching everyone on the way in and confiscating dangerous items such as guy ropes and children's crayons.

I just had a phone call from Juliet to tell me that riot police are currently trying to break into the site and using pepper spray, tear gas, and general physical violence. Ambulances are on their way for the people who got gassed. Juliet phoned me about half an hour ago to get Caroline Lucas' number; if you could spread the word too, that would be awesome.

Update: "head injuries already taken to hospital so ambulance cancelled, but the police are already refusing it access". Live updates on Juliet's twitter feed.

(incidentally: you might think "oh, eco-terrorists, they were going to cause trouble anyway". Thing is: every single person on site was thoroughly searched by police before entering. You couldn't bring a pen-knife onsite without police consent. Calling in the riot police, unprovoked, during a week of talks and demos on sustainable living seems a little over-the-top..)
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