Jan 17, 2009 15:36
After a ridiculously bad and stressful start, it looks like things in 2009 are making a turn. Well, it *feels* like something's turning but in which direction?... only time will tell.
I know that I'm getting almost double back what I expected to get from my tax returns, which will help me A LOT! I'm also guessing that my severance package from Target is going to be pretty good; this will let me take at least a month off from any kind of work before I start looking for a new job. I'm also thinking about going to a gym of some sort. I would like to get back into the cardio shape I was in while marching DCK last summer; I've dropped about 15 pounds since then, mainly from eating better (not exactly "healthier", just eating less snacks, drinking *much* less pop, and keeping fast foods to about half of what I used to eat), and would like to drop another 5-10 pounds in fat, while adding more muscle.
I've started to get more involved with my guild in World of Warcraft. Strange, since I generally mostly play only on the weekends (plus an hour or so a couple of times on weekdays).
I'm going to fill out a FASFA sometime this weekend, also. I don't know if I can get back into school this summer, but it doesn't hurt to have Financial Aid there, waiting for me if I do go back. Wish me luck!
Social life's still a bit of a joke but I've to terms with it. I'm not gonna get my hopes up as high as I have in the past, on all fronts. Just whatever happens, happens lol.
Other than that, not a lot going on. I'm going to Cincinnati next Thursday and Friday to help open a Target, then our store closes that next week.