Jul 16, 2005 23:11
Well, I'm at the folks house for the weekend. I had my remaining 3 wisdom teeth out...Let's just say this hurt a lot more than the last time. So I go in Friday morning, and they call me back. A pretty cute guy says he's gonna work on me and I'm like hell yeah. And then an even hotter guy (like I'm talking one of the best looking dudes I have ever seen) comes in and says he's going to be working on me too! I'm like oh God. So the hotty starts working on numbing me up. He gave me a double shot of novacaine because the first dose did nothing for me. After the second shot, though, oh boy. I wasn't feeling a damn thing. Then he starts working on one of my bottom teeth. Apparently, some complications arose because 5 people were in and out of my room helping me. At one time, I had one person behind me holding my head straight, one person holding my tongue to one side of my mouth and holding the saliva sucker, and the hotty pulling on my tooth. I had my eyes closed the whole time and then I hear a drill. I opened my eyes and saw it coming and I'm what the fuck!?!?!? Yeah, they had to drill some of my jaw bone off to get this tooth out. BTW, did I mention the 3rd guy is also f'ing hot. Apaprently, dentistry is the field I should have went into to meet a hot guy (so if anyone wants to hang out at the densist school, let me know!). So after the dude drills me, he informs everyone that he has never used a drill before. That reassured me I must say. They got the other 2 teeth out no problems luckily, but I saw a lot of blood. By the time they were done, they had stretched my mouth open so wide that they had actually ripped my lip open. By the time they were completely done, my lips were bigger than Angelina Jolie's, my tongue was swollen to the point I couldn't swallow, my cheeks were puffed out (and I'm assured there will be bruising in my jaw bone), and I had vaseline all over my lip and chin that I didn't knwo about cause I couldn't feel a damn thing. I come out in the waiting room and people just looked at me horrified. I looked like a retarded kid who drooled all over himself. Good ol Dad was there, though, and he brought me home for the weekend. Thank God he is here because my mom keeps offering me food I can't have (she offered me chicken nuggets earlier) and my dad's like damnit you know he can't have that. BUT my saving grace today is that Harry Potter 6 came in the mail. I'm only halfway through with it thus far but oh my is it good!! I'm going to spend the better part of tomorrow finishing it. Now, I'm going to do a little research for this teaching job I want. I think JCPS is looking promising for a job so let's keep our fingers crossed :-). Peace out Gs!!