E I G H T ☼ video/action for azaela

Jul 16, 2011 20:12

[Another video from Kyo in just a week? Up until now he would post to the network just once a month, but this, unlike the last entry when he woke up from his coma, was intentional. The feed begins with the aftermath of his gym battle with Bugsy, just after he receives the badge. He didn't feel like recording this one for the public, as he wanted it to go as fast as possible, but Tohru gets a private recording sent to her where he uses his Charmeleon, Persian, and Luxray in battle. He tucks the badge into his pocket and then turns around, ready to leave the arena. However, before he can go anywhere, his Charmeleon, though exhausted from battle, lets out a warning growl.]

What do you want? I'll heal you back at the PokéCenter. C'mon -- if you don't want to walk, then get in your ball.

[He holds the Pokéball out, expecting the lizard to succumb to its mysterious powers and vanish. The Charmeleon growls again and he frowns, getting a bit annoyed. Chomper has been anything but an easy Pokémon to take care of. But before he can say anything else, Chomper begins to glow, and after the glowing subsides, he lets out a resounding roar as a brand-new Charizard.]

Well, good job. But seriously, get in here. [He was not going to deal with walking a freaking Charizard to the Center. On the inside, he was more enthused about his Charmeleon evolving into something as cool and powerful as a Charizard, but he didn't show it. Being affectionate or especially kind about his Pokémon is still something he's self-conscious about, especially in public. After he's put away, Kyo turns back to the camera, which is, as usual, being held by his Cubone.]

I beat the Azaela Gym, so Shishou and I are leaving as soon as we get back to check out of the inn. Does anyone have anything to say about the Ilex Forest we'll be going through? [He's heard it's big, but that's about it.]

Also, my Gible from Tohru Honda just hatched earlier this morning. I don't know what to name it. It's a male.

[The baby Gible, who has been standing next to his Cubone and two Togepis in the stands, gurgles and scampers up his side, stopping to sit on his shoulder. The two Togepis laugh and clap their hands, excited about his victory and the newest addition to their team.]

That's it, I guess.

what's in a name, *daisuke motomiya, *shuto "shooter" dan, hive badge get, overleveled, priorities, *ventus, name help, *kitora kurokawa, gotta find tohru, *john egbert, winning, into the woods, *riku, @location: azaela, gotta beat the gym leader, gym badge get, ☼morning, bugsy, becoming a pokemon master, *jango, bb gible, charmeleon used evolve, follow the goldenbrick road, gym challenge, *kisa sohma, *lacus clyne

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