
Feb 01, 2020 16:04


Current location: Goldenrod City Inn, Goldenrod City
Travelling with: movetutor and little_umeboshi
Money: ~P180,000
Affiliation: Trainer
Job: Trainer's Market Employee, Goldenrod Department Store (Add P16800 every Saturday)
Pokémon count: 10
Badge count: 2 (


Age: 18
Zodiac: Dog
Astrological: Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)
Birthday: January 13 1982(?) (headcanon)
Blood-type: A
Clothing: Cargo pants, black v-neck t-shirt, blue jacket, Juzu bead bracelet, Black belt uniform
Health: Excellent



Classy Cat Pokémon / Normal-type

Level: 62 (levels gained this week: 0/5)
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Technician (powers up weaker moves)
Moves: Scratch, Growl, Bite, Fake Out, Fury Swipes, Screech, Faint Attack, Taunt, Power Gem, Slash, Nasty Plot, Assurance, Captivate, Night Slash, U-Turn (TM)
Met 02/27/11 as a Meowth. Level 5, New Bark Town, starter Pokémon. Formerly known as "Cat" when he was a Meowth. Cat never had to be confined within his Pokéball and would always be found either draped over Kyo's shoulder or at his heels. Evolved into Persian 04/25/11. Cat was stubborn and didn't want to evolve or level up for a while until Insufferable Prick, Rose's Quagsire, convinced him. Upon evolving, Kyo promised Cat a new nickname, since he was now badass and deserving: Leo, after the Zodiac. Now he acts sort of like a suave pimp, at least around female kitties that are of age, which is also Prick's doing.


Catty Pokémon / Normal-type

Level: 20 (levels gained this week: 0/5)
Nature: Sassy
Ability: Own Tempo (prevents confusion)
Moves: Fake Out, Scratch, Growl, Hypnosis, Faint Attack, Fury Swipes
Hatched on 05/07/11. Bought as an egg from Souji Seta. Her name means "princess" in Hebrew and "pickpocket" in Japanese. She acts spoiled and self-righteous, alternating between demanding Kyo's attention and ignoring him completely. She prefers not to fight when ordered, but shows no hesitance when provoked. She has little emotional attachment to anyone and is completely self-absorbed.

Charizard ♂

Flame Pokémon / Fire/Flying-type

Level: 40 (levels gained this week: 0/5)
Nature: Naughty
Ability: Blaze (powers up Fire moves when low on HP)
Moves: Scratch, Growl, Flare Blitz (egg), Ember, SmokeScreen, Dragon Rage, Scary Face, Fire Fang, Slash, Wing Attack, Roost (TM)
Hatched on 05/07/11 as a Charmander. Bought as an egg from Souji Seta. He is very mischievous and likes to get into everything. He's also a biter, hence his name, Chomper. Evolved into Charmeleon on 06/18/11. Evolved into Charizard 07/16/11.


Gleam Eyes Pokémon / Electric-type

Level: 56 (levels gained this week: 0/5)
Nature: Serious
Ability: Rivalry (raises attack by 25% if opponent is of same gender, lowers attack 25% if opposite gender)
Moves: Tackle, Take Down (egg), Leer, Charge, Spark, Roar, Swagger, Thunder Fang, Crunch, Scary Face, Discharge, Flash (HM)
Hatched on 03/20/11 as a Shinx. Given to Kyo as an egg from Kisa because he wanted an electric Pokémon in order to beat Falkner. Shock started off shocking Kyo whenever he tried to touch him, hence his namesake. He was a very hesitant little Shinx, but eventually warmed up to his trainer. Evolved into Luxio 04/16/11. Much more serious and bold, Shock became a sort of guardian protector over the other Pokémon after his evolution. Evolved into Luxray 05/03/11.


Lonely Pokémon / Ground-type

Level: 46 (levels gained this week: 0/5)
Nature: Lonely
Ability: Rock Head (protected from recoil damage)
Moves: Growl, Double Kick (egg), Tail Whip, Bone Club, Headbutt, Leer, Focus Energy, Bonemerang, Rage, False Swipe, Thrash, Fling, Bone Rush, Endeavor, Double-Edge
Hatched on 04/06/11. Given to Kyo as an egg from Ken Amada. His name, Kotsu, means "bone" in Japanese. Like all most Cubones, he is very lonely and clingy. Kyo thinks it's pathetic, but in Cubone's darkest hours, he can relate to his extreme feeling of loneliness.


Happiness Pokémon / Normal/Flying-type

Level: 30 (levels gained this week: 0/5)
Nature: Naive
Ability: Hustle (attack raised by 50%, accuracy lowered 20%)
Moves: Growl, Charm, Lucky Chant (egg), Metronome, Sweet Kiss, Yawn, Encore, Follow Me, Wish
Hatched on 05/07/11 as a Togepi. Kyo woke up to a Togepi egg nestled beside him Easter morning. Onigiri is a lot like Tohru, full of happiness and kindness. She is named after her as well. Oni also shares other qualities with Tohru, such as her clumsiness and occasional ignorance. Sometimes, Kyo will slip up and call Onigiri by Tohru's name. Onigiri's favourite food is, of course, onigiri -- or rice balls. Evolved into Togetic 08/06/11.

switched out often

"Damn Rat"

Mouse Pokémon / Normal-type

Level: 60 (levels gained this week: 0/5)
Nature: Bold
Ability: Guts (attack raised by 50% during status ailments)
Moves: Tackle, Tail Whip, Quick Attack, Focus Energy, Bite, Hyper Fang, Sucker Punch, Scary Face, Crunch, Assurance, Super Fang, Double-Edge, Endeavor
Found 02/29/11 as a Rattata. Level 4, Route 29, second Pokémon. Accidentally caught when Kyo threw a Pokéball at him, trying to get him to stop following and attacking him. Kyo only let him out of his ball to battle because he frequently tried to attack him. Evolved into Raticate 04/03/11. Still a cranky bitch.


Atrocious Pokémon / Water/Flying-type

Level: 60 (levels gained this week: 0/5)
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Swift Swim (doubles speed in the rain)
Moves: Splash, Tackle, Bite, Thrash, Dragon Rage, Leer, Twister, Ice Fang, Aqua Tail, Rain Dance, Dragon Dance, Hyper Beam
Caught 03/10/11 as a Magikarp. Level 10, Cherrygrove, third Pokémon. Caught him after Claire told him to get one because it'll evolve into something powerful. Struggled to catch one in the water for nearly an hour until he finally grabbed hold of Carp. That night Kyo decided to test the theory of not being able to eat Pokémon; he tried to roast the fish over a fire and failed. Once Carp evolves, he's sure to have his revenge. He's like any other Magikarp: derpy as hell. Evolved into Gyarados 04/04/11. The first thing he did was go over to the beach at Cherrygrove, gather up a ton of sticky, stinky seawater in his mouth, and dump it all on Kyo.


Spike Ball Pokémon / Normal-type

Level: 30 (levels gained this week: 0/5)
Nature: Hasty
Ability: Hustle (attack raised by 50%, accuracy lowered 20%)
Moves: Growl, Charm, Metronome, Sweet Kiss, Yawn, Encore, Follow Me, Wish
Found on 06/07/11. Level 19, Violet City. Originally owned by Yuui Flourite as his starter, the first person Kyo met in Johto. After Yuui left Johto, Kyo ended up finding and taking care of Sachi. The Togepi has a childish, hyperactive nature that sometimes annoys Kyo and other Pokémon. He is friendly with Onigiri, Kyo's female Togepi, and friends with Étienne, France's Luvdisc.


Land Shark Pokémon / Dragon/Ground-type

Level: 20 (levels gained this week: 0/5)
Nature: Lax
Ability: Sand Veil (evasion raised by 20% in a sandstorm)
Moves: Tackle, Sand Attack, Dragon Rage, Sandstorm, Take Down, Sand Tomb
Hatched on 07/16/11. Given as a gift from Tohru after she found herself with many eggs. As a baby, he likes to blow spit bubbles.


Scratch Cat Pokémon / Normal-type

Level: 1 (levels gained this week: 0/5)
Nature: Timid
Ability: Technician (powers up weaker moves)
Moves: Scratch, Growl, U-Turn (egg), Fury Swipes (egg), Faint Attack (egg), Fake Out (egg), Bite (egg)
Hatched on 08/00/11. Offspring of Leo and Suri, Kyo decided to keep a Meowth egg for himself because he missed when Leo was a Meowth and sat on his shoulder. Ki is named after Kisa, Kyo's cousin, and pronounced as such. She is small and timid like the Sohma girl and likes to hide in Kyo's shirt.


-- 1 change of clothes (black belt)
-- 3 changes of undergarments
-- 1 12oz bottle of liquid soap
-- 1 8oz bottle of shampoo; 1 8oz bottle of conditioner
-- 1 washcloth, 2 towels (one small, one larger), 1 toothbrush, 1 travel-sized pack of toothpaste
-- clothes line, 6 clothes pins, and rubber gloves
-- Trainer Handbook
-- 1 sleeping bag
-- 1 PokéGear
-- 5 Potions
-- 1 Repel, 1 MaxRepel
-- 1 Escape Rope
-- 5 PokéBalls

* Sprite edited by keepdreamingxx. Do not use without permission.

last updated: 08.15.11

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