Sep 21, 2011 00:39
At the insistence of my boss and co-worker, I spent part of tonight with this client from Prague. We made awkward conversation about programming, patents, and college as I walked him through Chinatown to get food. He reminded me of my high school classmate, the son of my high school chemistry teacher. In some odd way, the whole excursion felt like I was reliving some alternate movie ending where I ended up being friends with this guy from high school. Which way to Times Square..?, he asked timidly as we pushed through the crowds in SoHo.
I scribbled the names of some restaurants and corresponding dishes I thought he should try on the back of my old business card and warned him that the contact information on the card was outdated. He fist-bumped me when I dropped him off as the subway station. I died a little on the inside, but I forgave him because he was a tourist. I didn't even catch his name. It always turns out this way.
day to day