May 27, 2009 15:39
Dude. I totally just fixed (most of) my computer. :D We now have 128 extra gigs of hard drive, for a grand total of 131gigs of storage. X3 I am so ridiculously pleased with myself.
Now if only the CD drive would work. XD I still don't understand why it doesn't. It's not like it's hard to set up. You stick the drive in, you plug in a couple cords (power, and motherboard cables, respectively), and there you go, insta!CDs.
I kept my old HD named Snarl, and the new one is currently Niao. Pending Lilu's approval. ^.^; I personally find it amusing that the little 3gig HD is the angry one, while the great big 128gig HD is cute and fluffy. *snrk* Collectively, the machine still has a working name of Madagascar. ('Scar, for short, because it was such a hassle getting set up, it doesn't deserve a cute nickname like Madi. >.>)
Does anyone know, is there a way to transfer system files from one HD to another and keep things running smoothly? Y'know.. to give Snarl a bit more computing space, since over 3/4 of it is taken up with system files/photoshop/etc... Seriously. I keep nothing on this HD. >.> And I need -some- amount of space to run programs, right? o.o
I think I will draw something to commemorate the occasion. X3 (And it'll be cute. I keep seeing smilies in their paths... Snarl is C: and Niao is D: ... which just makes for a funny mental image. XD Note: ask Lilu for help in design later. <3)