Of gym battle and public embarrassment

Sep 17, 2011 17:41

[Video or Goldenrod City Action]

[At first the askew video only picks up the sound of teasing laughter as the two boys exited the gym with their shiny new badges. Eagle, clearly the antagonist in this situation finally stops chuckling long enough to offer a bit of sage advice. ]

You really aren’t very comfortable around girls! I thought you were just saying that because you were just shy.

[Eagle smiles and shakes his head. ]

Maybe you really should just give up on girls and focus solely on guys.

[[Bakura nearly startles at this, his eyes going wide]]

E--eeh? Wha-- what do you mean by that?

[[so paranoid!]]

I mean that you couldn’t handle the crying of one cute girl, so maybe you should try a direction you are more comfortable with.

[[Bakura's paranoid expression grew even more awkward and nervous.]]

E--Eagle, that-- that isn't...!

There is no use denying it after a reaction like that!

Sh-- she was crying!

[[panic, rising!]]

Yes, but such a strong reaction. For a minute there I thought you were going to run out of the gym and hide.

[No, it has been decided. ]

You are definitely better suited to dating gu--… Hm? Zaz?

[Eagle’s stops walking as he finally notices a furret recording the scene from the bushes. AH! Recording something like that!]

How long have you been over there?!

[[Bakura turns, looking somehow even more like a deer in headlights. Of all the things to have recorded! Poor kid looks like he's going to die of embarrassment.]]

[Caught in the act… Zaz ends his little recording session and the video fades to black.]

[OOC: Eagle in green and Bakura in blue have both just defeated the Goldenrod City gym leader. So they have shiny new badges and an awkward conversation to show off! Badges mod approved, of course. ]

miyako inoue, shiraishi kuranosuke, bakura, isuzu sohma, ise nanao, catherine, anew

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