May 02, 2006 12:24
I have officially kicked another final in the teeth. World Religions is down. I can now enjoy that professor as a priest, the way he should be, instead of putting a Catholic spin on every religion. He's cute.
Today is major work day, it's gonna be amazing, the trick is getting started. Procrastination seems to be my specialty of late. I'm sitting here in my friends room and their freaking out about their chem final. Have I said how much I adore all of my bio and science major friends? Nickie, Lindsay, Al, Scooch, Chad, Tim, Shi, Mattinelli, Adrianna, and Lauren. Scooch is this genius wiz-kid who never has to study, and gets amazing grades... we joke that he might be autistic smart. He's currently writing "Connecticut sucks donkey balls" on Lindsay's comforter, as well as chem equations - it has become everyones art medium. Nickie is freaking like mad, trying not to be distracted, she just got hit with a slipper, talk about a blood curdling scream. I wreaked havoc in their room the other day, jumped all over Al's bed and pillow with my shoes on, made Tums Ultra water, and put hand soap on his tooth brush... that must have tasted good. I'm a little scared about the repercussions. He is also the one that I rigged the door with wrapping paper for christmas so that when he tore it down from the inside, baby powder fell all over him... I payed for that one, ha! I love my friends, I can't believe I'm going to be away from them for an entire summer. Then next year they're living in a different building, but hopefully Junior year we'll be together again. And with my lessons, and my love for them, I'll be over there all the time, you know, when I'm not working and forensicating. OMGoodness, Chad, my lover, is commuting next year. I'm going to miss him so much, it's insane. But we're going to get together regularly and he'll stay after whenever.
Although, as an update, I'm not gonna be able to learn the whole song. Tim is leaving school today, I'm sad. But I figure I'll learn the chords to the intro, and learn the rest when I get a chance. If it's not in the near future, it'll be next year. I've heard that every good Hun soldier plays the guitar. Although, I will admit, with my personality and the people that have guided my life, and the people I quasi-model after, this choice in career is a bit off track. I'll probably be over it soon, but I'll laugh my ass off when I read it later.
I love Lindsay Erickson Oldman like an elephant loves peanuts and ginseng. I'm going to have to take more than one trip to Connecticut before Maine, I fear. Her family is amazing, I'm glad I have them. Oh! I still have to send her grandparents thank you cards, goodness! Yes, I'm that girl.
I have to go pick up a really important surprise for T. It almost got lost and we were freaking out. But never fear, Super Melody is saving the day! Haha, I'm such a dork.
My best friend finally called me back. Moral of the story, Cell phones don't like swimming. That's why that sport is dis-included from their Olympics... duh!
So now, I'm off to save the day, talk things up with Sarah, and be productive. I actually had a nice chat with my mom, who said I've been weird lately, ha, so I'm pretty energized and optimisitc. Melody is back... for now! :)