Oct 31, 2005 15:41
Another Halloween ;)
So like, last night I went on my first haunted hayride with Lindsay, Andrew and Victoria. We drove out to... question mark and it was all dark and such and Lindsay blared some Halloween music including the theme to Halloween, Monster Mash and Thriller and yeah... we were all singing and such. We had to stop at Wawa so Andrew could get money and he accidentally almost took out $500... which would have been funny. Victoria and I read the National Inquierer... apparently like... poodle boy exists because a scientist took a couples pet and turned it into their son... and a baby emerged from Lake Michigan or some shit like that. Just silly things. But yeah, instead of driving to Lancaster, we went like, 15 minutes down the road to Malvern I think and we went to that one place. I was scared at first, but wathing Lindsay made me laugh so much. We kept scaring her and picking on her and everything... and while we were waiting in line to get onto the hayride thingie, this guy kept walking up and down with like, snakes and dead animals (even though they were fake) and Lindsay like, lost it. We were laughing -so- much. She had to take her inhaler. Gwahaha. And then we got onto the little cart thing and Lindsay was all in the front, clinging to Andrew so we all huddled around Lindsay, and then the ride started. I was a little paranoid because the cart was like, really low and I was like, leaning against it kind of... and I didn't want something to like, jump up and like, shove me because I'd scream like hell. But yeah... the freaking music was AWESOME. it was freaky though. It was -pitch black- at 8:45. I remember screaming all loud like because I fucking looked behind me and there was this fucking guy wearing some makeup that made him look all cut up and shit and it looked like a zombie and Corinney doesn't like zombies. But the rest of it was wicked cool! I got hit with a chainsaw on my back and it felt like, really good. It tickled a little bit and I was all, "HEY COME BACK CAN YOU KEEP DOING THAT?!" And then this guy jumped up on the cart and started like, "cutting" people with the chainsaw that had no blade. Oh oh oh! And then this one guy like, grabbed my ankle, so I looked at my ankle, and saw someone else's hand like, over it, so I looked over the side of the cart and there was this guy in all black with a mask on, so I said Hi to him, and he left. :( The ride was really cool though... very nicely done!! Very creepy, very cool.
And then we decided to walk through the haunted house, so aptly named the "Bates Motel." I -hate- haunted houses. I was all scared and all. We had a long-ish wait in line but I guess it wasn't too bad... it went by kinda fast. But yeah... they crammed like... 20 people into a small ass room and Chucky (oh you know that scary little doll) gave us instructions or some shit like that... then Norman Bates told us to "come on into the elevator." ...... fantastic. like 20 people crammed into a small fucking box, and then these hydrolic things make it move and then buzzers go off and all sorts of shit happens... then this old guy opens the "elevator" and tells us to hurry and exit and go around the corner... I'm like, clinging to Victoria, lmao, and she's in front, saying things like, "Okay, there's something on your left.... someone's over there... look out" Haha Some shit -really- creeped me out though. We walked through this room where this girl was all sitting on her bed rocking back and forth and saying things to herself... it was so creepy. The Ring part wasn't too bad... Just a TV and a guy who jumped at you with a dust thingie... lol. And then we had an outside part... this girl was all, "come play with us.." and there was banging behind a fence... and this fucking guy jumps out over the fence and grabs Andrew... Andrew yells, Lindsay screams, I scream, Victoria goes, "RELJHZERONHRZDGLKRDG" And then this guy like, comes out and he's got stuff plastered all over his fac and I can hear Lindsay, "Hey nice costume... you have something on your cheek!" Lol Good fun... then there was a blacklight part... badass..... then it was -pitch black-. Scary. =( Oh my God, then this one guy pops out and Victoria goes, "WHOA HI" and this guy says, in like, the most evil voice, "Hi." .... Victoria and I just busted out laughing. And in the last room, right before you get out, I saw this one guy with a cool ass coat ... he like... cornered this girl, she was on the floor, like, laughing and he was like, "Crap, did it get caught on your shoe?" I was laughing... people were trying to scare me but I was laughing... so this guy with the coat comes over to Victoria and I, goes "ROAR" and we laugh and leave, and as we try to push the door, this guy like...dressed in rubber like, shoves me a little bit and roars, but I pet his costume because it felt funny and then I went outside and we waited for Lindsay and Andrew.... all I heard was, "CORINNE!!!! VICTORIA!!!" And the door like, shut... and then I heard Lindsay screaming...I then ask Victoria where Lindsay is ..... and then all of a sudden we see Lindsay just TEARING out of the haunted house and running.... it was so funny.
I called Steven while i was in line because I missed him tons and I wanted to talk to him a little bit... and I think I got him all cranky because I woke him up :X I'm sorry if I woke you up sweetie. I love you =)
Yeah the end. That's all, lol.
Well I just felt the need to speak of that because like... it was cool... and now I shall work on some homework. Later kiddies!!!
Bel Astre solitaire Qui meurt Quand revient le jour Entends Monter vers toi Le chant de la terre Entends le cri D'un homme qui a mal Pour qui Un million d'étoiles Ne valent Pas les yeux de celle Qu'il aime D'un amour mortel Lune