December Challenge 07
Title - The Band
Author -
unwritten_ideasRating - PG
Word Count - 369
Pairing - none
Characters - Gackt, You
Disclaimer - don’t own squat and if I did, I’d be posting this with pictures
Summary - You has a problem with saying ‘no’ to Gackt - aka the first time You said ‘yes’ to Gackt when he probably should have said ‘no’
Notes - set pre-Cains:Feel
Satoru twirled a drumstick in his elegant fingers and smiled at You. “So, does your band have anymore shows booked?”
You looked down at the drummer who was sprawled across one of the couches in the coffee shop that You was working part time in. He still didn’t know how Satoru had tracked him down as he’d never even told Satoru that he was working anywhere, but in the few days he’d been on speaking terms with Satoru, he’d come to learn that the other teen was resourceful beyond belief. “We have one on Saturday. Going to come?”
“Maybe…” Satoru said. “Nothing planned after that?”
“No,” You answered. “Our singer wants to take a short break from lives while he sits his exams.”
“Hmm,” Satoru said thoughtfully. “No practises either?” You shook his head. “In that case, you should quit that band and join my band.”
You looked at Satoru with puzzled eyes. “You have a band? I thought the last guys kicked you out.”
“They did,” Satoru said with a dismissive wave of his hand. “So I’ve started my own band.”
“Who’s in this band?”
“Just me,” Satoru answered, “and you, as soon as you say yes.”
You blinked. “You want me to quit my band, which has a regular slot at the only live house in this area worth going to, in order to join your band. Which consists just of you.”
“I could probably get Ren to join,” Satoru said, “he owes me a few favours.”
“Well done, Satoru, you nearly have a rhythm section!” You said sarcastically. “You’re crazy.”
“You say ‘crazy’,” Satoru said with a smile that sent shivers down You’s spine, “but I say ‘driven’.”
“Driven…” You repeated.
“What do you say? Dump those losers that will never make it any farther than they already have and join with me. I promise you, You, we will be known all over the world.”
You had known Satoru for a month. They’d spent the first three weeks of that either fighting or trying to ignore each other but for reasons You couldn’t even begin to explain, he believed every word Satoru had just spoken to him.
“Join my band, You?”
Without thinking, You answered. “Yes.”
I've really started to love writing Cains:Feel and before fics. Gackt and You are so much fun ^_^