Title - Seven
Author -
unwritten_ideasRating - PG
Word Count - 805
Characters - Gackt, You, Chacha, Jon, Takumi, U:zo, Shinya
Disclaimer - don’t own squat and if I did, I’d be posting this with pictures
Summary - it's a YFC drinking party and U:zo has a new topic of conversation
No throwing limes, evil Queen )
Comments 9
Gackt just can't make up his mind can he. Picking out all these roles. Oh You, I can easily see you as the damsel in distress with Gackt riding in on his white horse to save him.
Poor Jon's right, no one can be the dwarves now. They're too tall anyway.
And aw, u:zo, darling, you silly dork, ily. I always come up with questions like those, too! ♥
Really cute fic. Great job!
There was a loud chorus of groans that both Gackt and Takumi decided to ignore.
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