Feb 28, 2013 18:49

Although I got the extended cut DLC for ME3, I'm still pretty dissatisfied with it as a whole.

Even though my Shepard lived, even though the Reapers were destroyed, even though all my teammates made it out alive (uh, except Miranda in ME2) I still didn't get a sense of true closure.  The slideshow thing near the end where Hackett narrates what happened to the rest of the galaxy was okay for general closure, but I wanted to know what happened to the actual characters. What happened to Liara? Tali? Grunt, Wrex, everyone else? You see them (mine was Joker and Liara) coming out of the crashed Normandy (mine survived the crash) before they fly off into space and it just...ends. That little second of Shepard taking in a breath at the very end seemed...not enough. I wanted a reunion, damnit. So wtf happens to her now?? The slideshow thing itself was just not done that well, IMO. It felt very stiff and out of place, considering how dramatic and climactic the actual ending was.

I'm glad I got into the ME games AFTER the extended cut DLC. I've watched the original endings and those who were upset about it were more than justified. I'm glad I was late to the party for once, because I KNOW if I'd had the original endings I'd have sworn off the series altogether, at least for a while like I did with Bleach.

Still shipping my femshep and Liara like a burning. All the art and fic ideas. Isn't there a new DLC coming out soon, too?

ALSO! The god-child thing at the end. It just...I hated it so much. Not the idea itself, but the logic it used about the organics and synthetics always having conflict. So it's solution destroy everything for a bit, wait for the conflict to INEVITABLY begin again, and then destroy everything AGAIN. It's a circular argument that makes NO LOGICAL SENSE. It was proven wrong by the Geth and Quarians reuiniting! Also, if the problem is synthetics becoming dissatisfied with organics, why not destroy just the synthetics? Why does the organic life have to die just to be rebuilt over and over and then killed again? It just. The logic. It makes no sense. It's not even logic. And the fact that this "logic" was accepted so easily just makes it worse.

Don't get me wrong though, I've loved the series so far. I think I'm on the same boat as vixenofargentum being that the second one is the most satisfying.

fandom: mass effect

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