Title: She Said She Promised
Characters: Zelda, Impa (Oot universe)
Rating: G
Summary: "Promise me this, Your Highness."
Note: Written for
100wordstories prompt was "promises"
In the morning, Impa comes to brush her hair and weave stories into her braids, soft Sheikah inflections about ancient Heroes and Demonic hordes. Zelda sits and listens, although the tales never change. Afterward, Impa kneels before her and stares at her with eyes like blood. ‘Promise me this, Your Highness,’ she says. ‘Promise me that, when the time comes, you won’t forget the lessons I’ve taught you, because there will be a day when I can no longer protect you. Promise me, promise me.’ Zelda nods. Impa smiles and kisses her forehead. Seven years later, Zelda keeps her promise.