Okay, this is it. If you name is on the list then you're out. No hard feelings. Okay? Good. // Tässä tulee lista, jos oot listalla niin voitko poistaa mut ystävällisesti listaltas? Kiitos.
_per_fectaleczandraanandhu4uczechoslovakiancute_killerbarbriallenboogierelena00ciferialtezpgreencorbiejapanistajokskoookilindseyxwillowslittlekristalullabylienotyetskinnypetiteapinkladyxsadizaprincesspamsruiskorpisecreteggshellswendymoiravirrheyashizashaith And please remove me. I hate having people hanging there, okay? And while doing this list I found out few people I still have to think. Okay. I might talk to you about it because I really don't know. And I hope the very best for everybody. Thank you!
If you need to ask something, ask.
Kysykää jos on kysyttävää.