Fic: my inner demons compel me to be here

Nov 07, 2010 01:17

Title: My inner demons compel me to be here Rating: NC-17 Pairing: Ariadne/Eames/Arthur As I wrote this, the Ariadne in my head became a slash fan, and this ended up being kind of a dirty ode to fan girls. Girls who think about boys being together. Yay, fan girls.

Written for this prompt
"Eames, as usual, is lusting after Arthur. He's pining more ( Read more... )

arthur/eames, inception, dickmatized, nc-17

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unwillinglymine November 10 2010, 08:04:27 UTC
Oh god, thank you so much for reading/commenting. I am so in love with you and your fics.

Forearms are my favorite! I seriously get caught looking at forearms and hands all the time. Veins drive me crazy. When I see really good ones, I want to touch them. Being married, this is not always appropriate. However, my husband knows how boy crazy I am and he doesn't care. Thank christ for that.

I was daydreaming about Eames forging Arthur and getting frustrated with details not being right, more so with him than anyone he forged for a job JGL's fucking beautiful skin tone makes the occasional appearance of his freckles amazingly, amazingly hot. Eames is way into it.

I am happy with my man but I honestly really miss the phone sex I had with a particular boyfriend. It was so fucking hot, I can't even begin to tell you. It also increases 10 fold when you know you will see each other in a couple days, and then it's only one day, and then when you do see each other its fucking intense. Buildup is one of my favorite things in life.

Buildup and the way you write jailbait!Arthur.

I need more of him. Please?


reliablemachine November 10 2010, 16:12:48 UTC
Haha, likewise! My husband knows about my boy obsession. I enjoy the ladies as well, however, so it usually works out -- we often have conversations about hot actors, lol.

God, forearms, hngggg... They are my first true love. Lately I've been really into shoulders, too... All kinds. I love Eames's big-ass burly shoulders and I also love Arthur's teeny little slim shoulders. <333

I'm sooo shy irl, lol, my man and I started off long-distance and we attempted phone sex a few times but I have issues doing it, I guess. It's funny, I have no problem writing filthy porn but I can't say it out loud to my husband, haha. Oh well. xP

Ooh, jailbait!Arthur, how I love you. I may or may not be planning on filling this prompt. <3


unwillinglymine November 10 2010, 19:41:41 UTC
We talk about the ladies all the time, too. It's fun, and we usually agree on who is hot. I think it's a pretty healthy thing to be able to do in a relationship.

Shoulders, hng. Their shoulders together. HNNNNNG. The way you just described them made my mind go to the gutter, instantly.

I was totally shy about phone sex at first but I became so fucking bold after a while. It was crazy. Ultra filthy. I surprised myself. But the difference with that boyfriend was that the relationship was mostly based on sex. So it was easier. We both knew we weren't going to end up together.

Oh god, that prompt. I will do anything for you to fill that prompt. Anything. ANYTHING. <3


reliablemachine November 10 2010, 23:01:37 UTC
I totally agree that it's a healthy thing to do. I'm a big fan of the hilarious/artsy sides of porn so my man and I will often send each other porn videos and comment on them, haha. I would hate to be with someone I couldn't do that with, cause I'd feel like I always had to watch what I say around them, which is no fun...

Hnnnng, shoulders and forearms and chests and arses and fingers and HNG. Now I want to write a series about specific body parts, lol.

I could see how that would make it easier, for sure. I can get pretty flirty if it's with someone I know I'll never really be with, haha. <3

8D I'm so gonna fill that prompt... But first I have to write a ridiculous Pokemon AU, lol.


unwillinglymine November 11 2010, 02:59:46 UTC
POKEMON! Hee, can't wait.

We loves the porn, but here are some true fax:

I had never read slash in my life before Inception. I fapped to Tom Hardy for years, but I have never been in anything you can consider a "fandom". I saw Inception, was instantly obsessed, proceeded to rad everything there was on the internet about it and found ARTHUR/EAMES porn. I fell in love.

I had never written for fun in my life until I wrote my first A/E fic. I just started reading them, thought "I wonder if I can do that.", and wrote one. This is so new to me! I love it. It has been such an escape. I am in an intensive Respiratory therapy program 5 days a week and this is my sanctuary now, especially because my husband goes to bed early and I stay up late, alone.

My husband doesn't know about it! For this I feel semi-guilty. Maybe you can help me out. Does your husband know about the man porn, and thw writing of it? I have never mentioned anythig about man porn to him as long as we've known each other, and I am afraid it will wierd him out unless I ease him into it.

Does your husband know? If so, has he read your stuff?

thanks! and sorry if I'm being nosy.... <3


reliablemachine November 11 2010, 03:40:56 UTC
Oooh, naughty secrets. ;D

I've been in quite a few fandoms before, though none have ensnared me as much as A/E. I had a terrible Creative Writing teacher in first year at university so in passive-aggressive revenge for being a shitty teacher, I wrote a slash fic as my final project (not sure how I passed, lmao). I maintain that she placed a curse on me for that because I couldn't write fiction for about three years after that class... However, Inception broke the curse for me, which I'm so happy about cause I love writing our boys. <3

My husband does know about the slash. ;3 He's only read a couple of my fics (tame ones) cause I don't wanna freak him out too much lol. He's a little bit insecure in general, just as part of his personality, so I have a feeling if he read my more porny stuff, he'd feel threatened (which is weird but that's just how he is). All my Inception fics are public though, and he knows about this LJ so if he wanted to, he could read it. He tells me he wants to read my stuff because he's interested in stuff I'm interested in but yeah, as I said, I generally don't link him outright to the pornier ones, haha.

He puts up with my fangirling because he knows it makes me happy, and he kinda plays along sometimes (laughing when we're watching Inception or whatever and there's obvious slash), but he's not a slasher at heart so I would never expect him to be really into it. He accepts it though, and he knows I'd still do it even if he didn't approve, haha.

I think if your husband is open to talking about porn and hot people with you he'd be fine if you told him about it, or alluded to it. Essentially it's another form of porn, really, just... prettier and with more zero-gravity sex and big guns and stuff. <33


unwillinglymine November 11 2010, 05:10:42 UTC
Sorry for typos! I replied from my phone.

"Essentially it's another form of porn, really, just... prettier and with more zero-gravity sex and big guns and stuff." I am dying laughing at this!!! You are so right.

While I know my husband wouldn't be "into" it, he wouldn't be upset. I guess I'm just being wierd about it, and I don't really know why. He knows I read it, I am just kinda shy about telling him I write it now, too. Or maybe I just like having a secret? (that won't hurt anyone) Ehh, I will tell him.

He embraces my fangirling, too. We are lucky to have men like that. Most recently, he has put up with my scouring the internet constantly (when not studying) for pictures because I bought (check it out, we put something up finally)

Thanks for your advice <3 <3 <3 And if you need any ideas for Jailbait!Arthur, I have tons


reliablemachine November 11 2010, 06:39:07 UTC
Ooh, you changed your lj. xD

Yeah, your husband sounds like the way mine is... He's not a slash fan on his own but he's totally fine with me liking / writing it, and he encourages me to write (anything) cause he knows I enjoy doing it.

omfg, is you. I saw it linked on the palm tumblr a while ago and have been waiting for it to have stuff on it, lmao. God, speaking of the palms, I actually have a palm houseplant I've had for a few years and I didn't really make the connection until a couple days ago that it's a palm, lmao. I'm planning on taking a picture of me with it as my hair tomorrow and submitting it to the palm tumblr, lmfao. I apologize in advance for any mental scarring. <3


unwillinglymine November 11 2010, 07:15:25 UTC
The palm tumblr is me, too! Heehee. IF YOU TAKE IT I WILL POST. What is your tumblr name?


reliablemachine November 11 2010, 07:25:33 UTC
Hehe, yesss, I knew you had the palm tumblr but I didn't know THP was you, haha. "THILF" = greatest thing ever, oh my god.

My tumblr is salutmatey. I never post anything on it, lol, I just use it to stalk people. I am so going to take the pic tomorrow though, haha. <3


unwillinglymine November 11 2010, 07:51:31 UTC
SORRY! We totally had this conversation about the palms. I forgot. My brain is so fried. You better send the pic!

Our goal with THP is to have a complete site for him. He has never had a nice looking and easy to navigate fan site. He deserves one. We are going to make it as fun as possible and no watermarks are allowed! I hate with a fiery passion. I just got 100 unwatermarked self-pics of him and I am so excited about it I can barely stand myself. Our ultimate goal will be to get him to send us some. IT SHALL HAPPEN! <3


reliablemachine November 11 2010, 18:15:47 UTC
Ahhh! Submitted. xP I have never submitted anything on tumblr before so I apologize if it's messed up. ;(

THP is amazing, lol. I wish he still did self-captioned camwhore pics and I wish you the best of luck in getting him to send you more, lol. I can't wait. 8D


unwillinglymine November 12 2010, 05:12:50 UTC
YOU ARE THE BEST! Thanks for sending it. I am uploading photos right now, I am super excited! Eeeeeee!

Now just hurry up with the Pokemon and get to the jailbait! XD and is there any way he could be jealousjailbait!Arthur...'cause older neighbor Eames has other guys over to his house? Oh, and I would die for sluttyjealousjailbait!Arhur Need.


reliablemachine November 12 2010, 06:12:23 UTC
lmao, amg, so much to doooo. I basically slacked on all my actual work today. The Pokemon au is probably going to have to wait because I keep cracking the hell up. It's like such srs bsns then I remember it's Pokemon.

omg, slutty is a given, but I'm sure I can work jealous in there somewhere. hnnnng, must write outline. hnnnng, Eames can like do random jobs for Arthur's parents like cleaning their eaves or fixing a porch step and Arthur's like all broody in his room but staring at Eames's sweaty back as he swings a hammer... then Arthur's parents can invite Eames over for dinner to thank him and there's potential footsies. AHHH, Pokemon au is officially on hold.


unwillinglymine November 12 2010, 06:45:15 UTC
adlfha;dslfkhj;aldkjf;aldkfj;alkdfj a;lsdkfja;ldkjfakldjfa l;dkfjadlf;jakdf

CHORES. SWEATY. God. GOD. Arthur watching. I can't even.

Seriously, the way you write young Arthur is just fucking delightful. I love it so much.


reliablemachine November 12 2010, 06:55:36 UTC
ffffff bb, I feel bad for continuing to spam your LJ, but I may or may not have just written an outline. However, I'm kind of passing out right now so it'll have to wait until tomorrow. :]

<33333 I can't wait, haha.


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