Aug 22, 2006 13:28
Minor(!) annoyances with school already, and it's only day two. Other parents waiting for their offspring cooing and awwing and saying 'Aw, she's so cute! She's tiny!' and 'She's too wee to be going to school!' (which had a giggle-laugh-thing added at the end after she realised the small cute child was heading straight for me - hi, fellow parents, I am the mother of the Smallest Schoolkid Evah!(tm)) at IIb. (euch what a sentence. Anyhow.)
I can foresee some evil looks in some peoples' futures, at the very least.
We also got a row from the lollipop lady for crossing incorrectly. Naughty us. IIb listened to not a word said, and stood demanding lollipops throughout the whole conversation. *sigh*