After running through a multitude of test sessions, my four month work of converting Silent Hill into a dice game has officially lifted off.
Silent Hill: Penance is now open and accepting applications!
Silent Hill, possessed by dark magic and vengeful spirits of old, has BECOME. It IS. The sentient,malicious entity at the town's core is ready to resume long forgotten duties; judgement and execution. Charged with the task of bringing unto the guilty masses the divine justice of God, Pyramid Head commands legions of dark monstrosities to fulfill his holy edict. He calls forth the guilty and the wicked, drawn to Silent Hill by the haunting sounds of screeching metal and friends long gone...
There are a few things you may want to invest in if you want to play in this game.
Fortunately invest was a misnomer, 'cause it's all free! is a map of Silent Hill, ala` 2. It will come in handy! (I'm working on finding one with no spoiler marks...Any one that can provide one will be rewarded!) is an on-line dice roller, which is very important. We will be rolling dice for many things, many rolls will be made! This records allof them for you, when you make them! Also, if you go to the root site, you can download it.
So, send in those characters! Comment on the post before this one to get the profile, fill it out, slap it up! Don't worry about scheduling, because a majority of this is done just between DM and one player, occasionally two where time permits. I've worked the plot in such a way that individual characters will find different clues,so characters not being there will not miss out. Their role is guaranteed, and through the use of a certain NPC, everyone will be brought up to speed when they start to play.
I hope you guys enjoy this.