Jul 01, 2005 04:40
I can't sleep, well actually I haven’t tried really, just sort of never went upstairs, well I did but only made it to the kitchen where my sister had left a mess for trying to make cookie. We have this thing where we want to have chocolate chip cookies with out the chocolate chips, her all the time, me some of the time…anyways she tried to make them, now this is the sister that can't manage to make Easy Mac, literally, she can't make it...and so her cookies morphed together and formed this sticky brittle toffee thing, it was really funny, I took pictures...anyways as usual she did a half ass job cleaning up, so i stopped myself from going to bed and scrubbed her pan clean, put the dishes in washer, washed the counter...I don’t know I just never feel like hearing my mother get mad because my sisters are too damn lazy, defiant, and selfish to put a stupid dish in the wash. My mom just doesn’t like to see dishes in the sink is all, not that big of a deal, and not that much to ask, she just says that when she gets home from work she doesn’t want to find the kitchen all a mess, especially now that it is summer and my sisters, Patricia in particular tends to have friends over, pig out all day and leave my mom with all the mess to clean up. She’s a nurse; she has enough shit to clean up without having to come home to a pig sty. I know it seems as if I am just some brownnoser. But I clean up after my sisters so that my mom won’t be in a bad mood all night; it is a bit selfish isn’t it? I put their dishes in the wash; I take out the trash, simple things like that, no big deal. I am usually just sitting around the house all day after waking up super late. I don’t mind doing it really. And I don’t ask for recognition. I mean I think my mom just assumes that my sisters put their dishes in the wash from the get go, and that’s okay with me, as long as the job gets done, who cares who does it?
The only time I get pissy is when my mom says that I never do anything about the house. I mean my sisters really do NOTHING! And I do a lot, clean my room, my sisters most definitely do not, I clean the basement every week, vacuuming and all, and I do mostly whatever else my mom asks of me. I admit I am not perfect, my room gets messing for weeks sometimes before I get around to cleaning it, and I don’t always do what my mother asks right away, she does have to ask me to do things a couple of times before I actually do it; but they never do anything she asks, it takes her screaming raging mad to get them to do anything she asks. For instance over a week ago I sorted the laundry, a task neither of them have ever done, and I folded them nicely, put them into baskets, carried mine up to my room, put it away, my mother took hers up, and my sisters baskets are still down here. They have been living out of them for over a week, pulling things out in rushes and spilling it over the floor, the floor that I vacuum. They are simply the laziest bums ever! And when I bring it up they get all non-shall-aunt about it, and make jokes about there being no point. The point is not to drive my mother to an early grave, or a loony bin, and to just do what you’re told for once. They accuse me of being the favorite, and that I don’t get in trouble as often as they do, and so on and so forth. Perhaps that is true, I don’t get into as much trouble, because I don’t get into trouble as they do. I do what I am told, and I can see where she is coming from, unlike my bull-headed, stubborn, “the world is out to get me” sisters.
But you see, it is my fault that I get pissy when my mother accuses me of not doing anything, she doesn’t know I do all the things my sisters don’t. I mean sometimes I just get so bored I have nothing else to do but clean, or I just feel like cleaning, I mean mostly its because I don’t want their to be drama in the house, but all the same. And fuck, my sisters think I’m the favorite, and bring it up enough as it is without having her nagging them about how they never do anything, and I do, fuck, that would grrrreat! So it is quite the conundrum I am in, I don’t mostly don’t mind doing the shit, and I don’t want to put my sisters in the shit hole with my mother, but I hate when I am compared to their lazy asses. ::Sigh::
So I am bored now, don’t really ever stay up this late. Randomly I don’t sleep entire nights. I just stay up all night until the next morning and then just go about the day. I’m not sure why, just don’t get caught up in shit, and by the time I notice that I am still up it just feels pointless to go to bed. I made blueberry muffins not too long ago, thought it would be nice to wake up to nice muffins in the morning, not that I am going to be the one waking up to the muffins, but I know the feeling. I am thinking of making pancakes, but we don’t have bacon, or sausage, is it pointless to make pancakes without the meat? I’m not that great at making pancakes, last time I tried was for my mom’s birthday; I stayed up all night then too. The pancakes came out real shitty, I’m not good at flipping them. When I slept over Alyssa’s house on my birthday she made me pancakes, she is really good at it. They come out really even and golden, and not at all weird looking. I am quite jealous of her pancake flipping talent. I was thinking would make everyone breakfast then watch the sunrise; however it is occurring to me now that I would have to do it in the opposite order, no one is going to be up to eat at sunrise, and who wants to eat cold breakfast? I thought I could even attempt to photograph dawn; I have some film in my super cool camera. Anyways I will let you go now, assuming anyone has even read all this, if you have, thanks, and comment if you’d like, and if you haven’t, well then you are not reading this, so addressing you is pointless. Sleep well all…