Dec 19, 2007 12:58
I've been MIA to the whole live journal thing recently. I find myself disappearing and growing distant to some of my friends in GA, but its all for a good reason, I hope.
Halloween was amazing. I went to this epic party, I'm not sure I wrote about or not. This party had bonfires, kegs, bands, zombie dancers, fire dancers, a movie on a screen outside, clubs, a moon bounce (which my friends and I knocked over with all of our drunken jumping), etc. It was epic. I've never seen anything like it in my entire life.
We ended up dancing in one of the clubs there and there was this boy dressed as BK. I didn't think too much of it, although he was really cute without his mask on, I danced with him, until we went outside so my friends could smoke. Outside, he finds me and we hold a decent conversation and I learn a few things about him. He gets my number and we end up parting ways.
I don't think much of it, but he does call me back. We end up going out on a date, where we talk the entire time and split two pitchers between the two of us. Needless to say I was a bit tipsy, but its been really good ever since.
This boy takes me on sweet romantical dates (this one place called Dantes, which is a fondu resturant, super expensive, and its on a pirate ship, I was a pirate for that halloween party, and they have live jazz music... and he took me for sushi at this really mod chill place and to see christmas lights, etc.). Its been very fantastic.
I never seem to stop smiling when I am around him. He even gave me a key to his apartment, which I am currently at. I haven't slept at my house in days. Naturally its going so well, I question it a little. I mean, is it possible to have this much in common and be this happy with a person who isn't named.. well you know.
I do know that this guy is all types of amazing and I really want things to work out with him. I'm actually going to go to some cabins with him in upstate GA for New Years to meet some of his family and some friends of the family, which should be interesting. I really want to make some type of food for Christmas for his family with him, although I'm not sure what since we don't have any cooking skills.