I'M (temperarily) FREE!

Dec 19, 2008 17:24

HI EVERYONE!!! *waves fantically*

How have you all been?? ^_^
Actually, I've been lurking around this whole time so I have been up to date with most of what's been going on with my dear flist *shifty eyes*
But I missed commenting on everyone's entries T_T gomen ne...

WINTER VACATION HAS FINALLY STARTED~! (*<-insert sparkly font here*) \(>o<)/ Which means I'm off homework...for the first couple of days (at least)! XD

1. Uh...let's not talk about school....let's just say that I can't believe first semester is almost over (exams soon AH!) and that the senior art show is gonna be us looking like chickens with their head cut off >.>

2. it snowed today. A LOT. about 20cm worth to be exact O_O Do you have any idea how hard it is walking from place to place while being attacked with more snow falling from the sky?! >_< I wish I took a picture, but it's already dark outside. (And we were hoping for a snow day too D:)

3. So my brilliant computer here crashed again. Same problem, same solution. In other words, I have yet to put anything (and I mean ANYTHING) back on here. I haven't even transfered any of my files yet...this will take a LONG time. Dear Santa, may I have a WORKING computer for Christmas? PLEASE?

4. On a very happy note, I have already got cards from Le-chan ( tokyolights ), Kiyumi-chan ( ssm_kiyumi ), Kana-chan ( dark_kana ), alessandra_20 , and tinuviel228 !! ^_^ Thank you all SO MUCH! <3 They're definitely worth the long trip to the mail box in the snow XD

**Speaking of which, please do inform me when you get my card that I sent to you! thanks~ ^^ (from what I can tell, many of the ones to Europe and North America already arrived, the ones to the Asian countries might take a while)

5. ONO-KUN I'M SO PROUD OF YOU!!!! that is all I'll say, visit his comm kimi_to_kento  for more details :D

6. I redecorated my wall and it's beautiful XDD I shall take a picture sometime soon ^^ heehee

7. This is getting long so I'll stop here.

8. Oh but lastly, I WANT BUBBLE TEA! T_T (<-was held back cuz of the snow...I've been wanting it for 3 weeks now)

rl: vacation, rl: high school, talent: ono kento, friends, everyday life

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