Final Ya-Ya-Yah & PRETINESS

Nov 01, 2008 22:40

I meant to post this on Monday but never got a chance all week T_T So here it is now!
** Be forewarned, knowing me, there's a lot of Taiyo-biased involved 8D

A year ago on Monday, the 27th, the last Ya-Ya-Yah episode aired with highlights from the (almost) four year that it's been broadcasted.

I'm sure these moments were precious to the boys too and watching them grow (in the less than a year that I've watched nearly all the episodes XD) was fun! ^_^

From their chibi days when their voices were two octaves higher than it is now....

(first intro by Chibi!Yabu)

(Posing for the camera with Yabu and Taiyo)

(not being able to get up in the morning...)

...To being some VERY nice-looking (and skinny) teenagers with voices two octaves lower :D

(*gets shot*)

They dressed up in some weird costumes and did weird things...

like being a reporter (during the time his voice was cracking 8D)

...waking up with doodles on your faces XDD

having successfully done a backflip off a 2m high platform

being made to cry because the prank pulled on your was too harsh >_<

scoring a point against professional soccer players

and being told to try and catch popping pop corn with your mouth O_O 
(Members were given segments that they will be remembered by and Taiyo got the "Slow motion footage" ones cuz he got tortured the most in that XD;;)

In the end, they would have done over 200 livestages for thousands of fans....

from this, to...

These handsome boys ^_^

And I can't forget one of my favourite segments XD (that they re-aired)

Taiyo: Why are you doing this to me, Shoon?!
Shoon: *points to the two behind him* They made me! *coughandtheproducercough*
Yabu & Hikaru: Go Shoon Go! XD

The part where Taiyo gets massive amounts of water up his nose XDDDD Poor guy

It was nice seeing them grow up and I wish they stayed ;_; I regret not getting to know them while they were still around. But whatever they're all up to *coughtaiyocough* I wish them the best! ^_^

In my opinion, they didn't really show the scope of the wonderfulness of the whole (nearly) 4 years, but it was still nostalgic >_<

Now if only I can get the rest of the missing episodes T___T

I was kinda feeling down yesterday but this REALLY MADE MY DAY *___* My headache seriously went away after opening it XD

*SCREAMS IN HAPPINESS* OH THEY'RE SO PRETTY!!! *___* I know they're old and only clippings, but WHO CARES?! XD
Can you tell I like the TaiShon ones? :D But they're all very nice~ I'm so glad I bought them ^___^ (and thanks tinuviel228  for letting me have those pamphlet pages! *glomps*)

When I saw the top right one, I FLAILED!! XD they were random ones so I didn't know which ones I was getting. BUT OH MY GOD! <3<3<3!
And I am SO translating that article on the top left *_* So much cuteness! >_<

Ah~ that felt good :D

talent: ayukawa taiyo, yabu/hikaru, je: ya-ya-yah, fangirling, talent: yamashita shoon

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