School eats me X_X I swear to god I don't know how I'm supposed to finish all this stuff that I have to do D: *cries* Sorry if I seem to not be commenting much or be kills! (an oxymoron?)
BUT on a happier note, WE WATCHED CODE GEASS R2 IN ANIME CLUB AND IT PWNS!!! *___* <3<3 (wow, I've never used that word before XD)
I LOVE CLAMP'S ART! *_* It's so pretty-ful and just awesome!
Rolo...poor little boy >_< He kinda makes me want to hug him ^_^ Though the killing is um....O_O;; no wonder he's a little messed up. *shot*
Suzaku, why did you have to hand Lelouch over?! T_T you loved him so much!! D: though pulling on his hair looked a little painful >_o be nice to your boyfriend friend! (can you see where my OTP lies in this series? :D) I flailed when he came back to school and had a staring contest with Lelouch *spazz*
The kitty that follows him around, I LIKE!!! XDDD <3
Truthfully, the butt shots of Karen, I can do without -_-'
Does Lelouch have a sister complex or something? o_O That's all I'm saying about that...>.> *runs away*
I'm pretty sure there's other stuff I wanted to say but can't remember now o_o
Either way, I need to leave now to go for a trial hip hop class with my friend :D (that Tare ditched me at! T_T it's okay, I forgive you....) I'm nervous, the last time I danced was 3 years ago and that was ballet O_O yeah, two completely different things >_<
EDIT: OH MY LORD, I thought I was gonna die in that class x_x The teacher decided to teach them one of the hardest dance she learned (over the weekend) TODAY. I was standing there not knowing what to do and trying hard to blend in >_< I don't know if I should continue...I really do want to...I just don't know if I can survive!