I Present you a nice Crackpair :D ...Koyakawa!

Sep 06, 2008 21:11

...Should be doing art homework...
...Was going to post a meme...

But this one little thought just clicked in this morning I've been itching to post about it! >_<

Here's the history:
I mentioned some time ago that Jessie (ishougen) came over before the summer ended and we had fun fangirling and I showed her some Ya-Ya-Yah stuff.
As far as I know, her favourite JE/NewS person is Koyama Keiichiro, and he happened to be the MC on the Ya-Ya-Yah show. Well this made her happy :D My favourite (former) JE person is Taiyo (can you tell? XD)
So it all started with this little scene...and she we decided that there should be a Koyama/Taiyo crack pairing XDDDDD

Last night, I was watching some old Shokura episodes again (in the dead of night while trying not to wake up my parents >.>) and a part from Juniors ni Q caught my attention. They actually called Taiyo over to speak for once *__*

That shot may not mean anything to you, but let me explain:

See that yellow (not orange or light yellow) card between Taiyo and Koyama? That's the card Taiyo wrote and it says "鮎川太陽 パンツをくれた小山さん!"
Here's rough translation of their conversation:

Nakamaru/Koyama: what's the meaning of that?
Taiyo: While on site for the show [my guess is the Ya-Ya-Yah show], I was sitting there. Just then, Koyama-kun saw a glimpse of my underwear[1]. He said they weren no good. Then when I asked him what I should do about it, he said he'd buy some for me.
N: OH!
K: The thing is, I said I would buy him the underwear, then he said that [if I did] he would say during an magazine interview that the sempai he looks up to is Koyama-kun. *starts laughing* I was hooked on that and I wanted to be admired! [2]
N: Oh, you wanted to be admired XD
K: It has star designs on it and it's really cute.
T: We match. *motioning to his and Koyama's pants*
N: Oh, they match.
K: Yup~ 
T: ne?
K: Maybe you can make it match with Ya-Ya.
T: *laughs* They'll match, ne? ^^
K: ne? ^^
T: ne? ^_^ [okay, we get the point! Stop looking at each other all smily and saying "ne?"! >_<]
N: Do whatever you like...>.>
K: *as Taiyo's leaving* Make sure you write that!
T: Hai! *thumbs up*

[1] Jessie, if it'll make you more amused, Taiyo actually used the term "Chiramizu shichatta" ^^ sounds like the title of a certain song, doesn't it? ^_~
[2] don't know if that's really what he said cuz he started laughing in the middle of his sentence >_< but it had something to do with a magazine interview

So what he wrote up there on that paper means "Koyama-san, who gave me underwear" LOL 
Seriously, what does these boys think about all day? >_< *shot*

By this point, I was flailing like crazy and trying not to laugh out loud but SPEOGNAWIN[AWELGLK'ADKF!!! *deep breaths* and I just gave them the name Koyakawa a couple of minutes ago 8D
But even with that said, TaiSho is still my OTP!! >_<

I loved this episode to death! *____* It has so much nice Ya-Ya-Yah moments (they sung Te wo for the first time <3), Taiyo talked a lot, Reon was actually brought into the spotlight for a couple minutes, they tease poor Senga for sweating too much ^^;, JJE got to sing~ and it's all just too cute!
While I'm on this little spree of mine, let me just say that I wish Kato Kan would become the next MC for something XD That boy can talk and talk and talk LOL.

Yup, that was a good fangirling session ^___^

je: shounen club, talent: ayukawa taiyo, translations, cracktastic, fangirling

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