Amest Gakuen #16

Oct 19, 2007 22:37

 I managed to wake up early this morning and actually watch it XD~

Amest Gakuen 10/19/07

- hm...chatroom does not seem to  be in working condition for me....O_O;
- today's class rep is BABA!!!
- they appologize for how it wasn't working last week
- wow, they're very hyper today ^^;;;
- it's only Baba, Kato, Kouhei and Takki today ;_;
- usual intro about the chatrooms, etc.
- oh dear, this is gonna be one hyperactive class XDDDD
- Kouhei got a haircut!! *_*

- first class, "today's pureboys"
- Kouhei's very hyper and Baba tries to outdo him ^^;;;
- poor Kato's stuk in the middles XD;;
- hey, Kato and Baba's clothes match! ^_^
- they bring out a weblooking thingy and decides to fill in their names (excluding Minami and Yagami)
- they discuss stuff, and Masei appears in the top left corner
- they're trying to figure out who Masei know very well cuz that's how the line that connects it says
- the one below him is Kouhei! XD
- hey, it's MASEI outside!! ^___^
- the top right is Kato ^^ (I don't know his connection to Masei though O_O)
- Kouhei is very hyper about the girls
- someone is suspicious with Kato
- Masei comes in and they stick him in the end! XDD and they're gonna make him guess what's happening and not tell him
- it's Baba in the bottom right! (the person who's suspicious about Kato ^^;;)
- and Kouhei makes some sort of joke about them drinking too much...with in mind that Baba, Kato and Masei can't drink! >_<
- while Takki's in the middle of the web!
- Baba and Takki is "shotakon?"
- apraently all these things are made by the "principal" XDD
- and he peeks out from the window behind them and they're laughing at them! >_< I had no idea Kato can hit things so hard XD

- "Chattouku!"
- very nice Kouhei! "We'll make your dreams come true~!" ^_~
- "after some sort of festival/class event(?), what you want someone you like from your class to say to you?"
(- Yuu-chan wants to chat!! T^T *random*)
- Kouhei tells of the stuff he's done in highschool ^^
Kouhei: it was fun ^_^ (aw~ that was cute!!)
Baba: I want to be together next year as well ^_^ (AWWWWW~!!!!!)
Takki: I was glad we were together (in the same class) this year ^_^
- Kouhei has the camera and he shows you the people outside ^_~
Masei: Let's do this together again next year ^_^
- they're very hyper today due to the fact that it's their 16th show! ^^ okay, that's a very feeble reason boys ^^;;
Kato: I was able to do my best because of you (AWW~ he tried to do it serious and ended up laughing! >_< so he does it again....AWWW!! cool~!!)
- they're gonna do it one more time, says the "principal"
- they're making fun of a person with the name "chakero" >_<
Baba: let's do this again next year TOOOOOOSE~!! XD (how did we see this coming? ^^ and it's actually only him who went again XD;)
- they all like this corner cuz it's fun ^_^

- recess!
- Kouhei wants to go outside XD
- AW~~ Baba looks so cute acting angry ^_____^ *dork*
- they're gonna do the clap-and-say-things game! XD
- theme is things you put on udons (uh...they're really good noodles with things you can put on it ^^; *bad explanation*)
- the fault is that there are three things and one is good, one is spicy, and the last one has wasabi in it >_< if they lose, they have to eat one o_o
- Masei says they should have no faults! >_< cuz it obviously makes him nervous ^^;;
- and they start....
- oh Baba~ so cute! ^__^ *shot*
- ouch! Kato lost! >_< and they do comment on how bad he is a the game! XDDD poor guy...
- while Takki explains, Kouhei bites the mic XDD that was actually really cute >_<
- Baba feeds poor Kato and.... he almost dies!! O______O POOR GUY!!!!!!!
- his face is red apparently >_<
- it's wasabi but it's filled with it so he chocked >_< oh boy...!!
- oh~ they're little sandwiches!
- they're gonna go again! XD this time it's fruits
- they go....and Kato almost loses while Kouhei tries to frame him, but seeing as it's unsure, they keep going
- Takki loses this time!!
- Kouhei feeds him and......he looks like he's having a seisure!! >_< Poor Takki!!!
- they're laughing at poor Takki and Baba tells him he can spit it out if he needs to ^^;;;;
- it's the spicy one..O____________O oh dear....
- since it's only the good one left, Kouhei's gonna eat it XDDD lucky dude~
- actually, they don't know if it was spicy or wasabi so it's either him or Kato that got one or the other; regardless, they're both gross ne, boys? ^^;;;

- "Ikemen Brush-up!" where they become better boys/hotties ^_~
- we're gonna watch some of the event in Sept 29th ^______^
- so many people!!!
- *excuse Yuu-chan while she drools* *__________*
- they're not quite together...^^;; but oh well, they're cute!!!!
- they only did the Kampai Je T'aime one becuause it was hosted by Ameba and they only did one song ^_^
- some backstage stuff~!! SO CUTE!!!
- autographs!!!
- aww~~~!! Yagami! >_< Baba! Kouhei! Kato~! who else is left...? Masei! Takki! and Minami~!! (not in order shown btw, that's just me rambling XD;)
- they all say it was a lot of fun and they want to do a live again sometime ^_^
- poor Masei was so nervous >_<
- while Baba and Kato was having a lot of fun dancing ^___^
- they were quite nervous for what will happen if it does rain, then the audience will get wet! O_O but they're thankful that everyone came ^_____^
- they're talking about how they're from all over Japan (and what about the world, guys?) and how they do want to go to all 47 districts(?) to do shows (reminds me of Masa ^_~ such considerate guys)
- some story time! XD
- Kato tells of the time when he was about to go on stage but his mic fell off and he didn't know what to do >_< but the audience didn't seem to mind so it was all good ^_^
- they talk about how cool Kouhei's hair is and he got his hair recoloured and cut lately
- why do they keep saying Masei has a small face?! ^^;;;
- Takki tells of how it's really nervewracking before you go on stage but once you're there, somehow, you're not nervous anymore ^_^
- I just noticed that Baba and Masei are wearing white, Kato and Takki are black, and Kouhei's in the middle in brighte colours!! XDDDD
- Kouhei tells a story of how he would always be near the mic and be pushed off cuz he's hogging it ^^;;
- they want a tent outside cuz it started to rain >_<

- "Homeroom" ^_^
- "I sang Kampai Je T'aime at the karaoke and even danced a bit, what do you sing at the karaoke?"
- and they talk about the stuff they sing... unfortunately, I don't know them at all ^^;;;
- they talk about singing old songs too, from near the time that they were born ^^
- Masei realizes the backboard (aka the green wall behind them!) swaying O_O;;
- "we have a performance and it's very dramatic, but I don't know how to do it well, do you have any advice?"
- they all tell of their experience in stage acting and how fun it was ^_^
- Takki realizes it's almost halloween and the cool stuff you can do at that time ^_~
- aw~ Kouhei realizes that she comments on his blog ^__^
- "I have someone I like in my class, he was always my childhood friend, but lately, I can't talk to him properly, I also have a lot of work lately so I can't talk to him properly, so is it okay to study with him?"
- they say it's of course okay ^_~ (wow, Kouhei is pretty good with this kinda thing XD)
- "I'm gonna be a boy for a play, but I can't do it, do you have any advice?"
- they say to just look at Kouhei XD
- or just hang around with boys a little more ^_^
- or stand in front of the mirror and imagine the boy in you, dress up like one, and try to be a boy ^_~
- Kato was a squirrel in a kindergarten play cuz he lost at rock-paper-scissors ^^:; AWWWW~!!!
- "good work on the stage performance! was there something that you would like to do better or grow more on?"
- Masei says the ad libs
- Takki says how Baba keep changing his part while he was the "prince?" O_O
- Kouhei sounds so grown up *^* but uh...didn't understand ^^;;
- Kato says he was nervous before hand, but he knows he's gotta do it and he's not nervous anymore ^_^
- Baba....^^;; didn't catch...>_<

- Lucky Girl~!
- today's # is 76!!!
- aw~ she looks pretty cute ^_^
- she's from Chiba ^_^ and Takki's from there too XD
- she's been there since about 3:30pm
- and she's a ....Takki fan!!!!! ^____^
- they keep going "Chiba~" XD and Takki jokes they actually knows each other XDDD

- last chime~ T^T
- Takki finally realizes how many people are actually watching them ^_____^ (yes, feel loved boys, feel loved! >_< we wake up early, stand in rain, and attempt to understand Japanese just to see your pretty faces and hyper selves across a computer screen! you! ^_^)
- they like the "today's pureboys" corner cuz it let's them know each other ^_~
- Baba had fun with the Chattouku ^_^
- the usual goodbye~! (^-^)/~

You know, today, Baba wasn't as hyper XDDDD *shot* but they were all indeed very cute!! ^_~ and I was very glad I decided to get up to watch today's show! ^__^ I'm glad Masei came in part way through too~! I wonder what happened to Minami and Yagami though...? Hopefully, they'll be there next week!

So that chat today was useless to me cuz it refused to let me into anything all morning @_@;; I wish I could have chatted but oh well, it at least let me focus on the review ^^; (hope it was helpful) If you did miss it, grumpychild has put up the recording of it on

pureboysso you can watch it too ^^ (thank you~!)

Now I am dead tired and still got school tomorrow so after Ono-kun's blog, off to bed. Oyasumi~! ^_^

PS. HAPPY BIRTHDAY YAGYUU~!!!!!! ^_______^ Your b-day present has already been posted so I hope Niou teated you well XD <3

amest, b-day

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