A little late this time, I appologize -_-'
But this week's show was SO HYPER!! XDDD
And thank you to those who tried to help me record the show or pointed out where to find it! ^___^
Amest Gakuen 09-28-07
- it's the show right after the release of their CD "Kamapi Je t'aime"!!!
- today's class representative is...Ouji!!
- omg Kato has highlights!
- Takki's not there! O_O
- the usual intro about the cameras...
- they seem to be having some trouble with the broadcasting...O_Oeven they're having trouble with it... oh wait, better now~
- Masei is clinging onto Kato XD
- my , from the very beginning, they're being VERY hyper >_<
- hey, they stuck Baba in the corner again! >_< and Takki isn't there! O_O;
(random: but I see Tifa in VIP!! XD)
- first class, "Today's PureBoy" where they try to be good PureBoys :D and find out about each other's weird quirks XD
- they have to guess who they are from descriptions about them~
- first person's "station" is Ikebukuro
- this person is afraid of the gap between the station and the train, so they stand back (I think)
- most of them think it's Kato
- it's Baba!! (okay, I'm having a hell of a time trying to figure this out...)
- second one! ^^;;
- station is Mejiro
- I can't understand the quote...
- it's Masei!
- Takki comes back with Sachi Juice and they all freak out! XDD
- anyway...third one~
- "they make a stupid face, but inside their head, they're cool~"
- they think it's Kato
- it's Minami!
- next station is Mekuro?
- I don't really know the quote for this one either >_<
- it's Kouhei!
- they tease Takki of not having a mic so Minami decides to share, but Takki hits him instead ^^;;
- you know, Kato is actually really quiet today...being squished between loud people ^^;;; but he makes funny faces XD
- the next one's station is Shinjuku ^^
- dunno the quote again >_<
- it's Kato~
- I think I'm getting the idea is what their "station" is...and coming up with their personalities...?
- next one is "has a calm face, but inside, they're really excited"
- it's...Yagami! XDD
- you can hear Baba laughing really hard at him in the background >_< omg, he and Kouhei is literally dying in the corner!
- Takki is the type where he feels like the only person on earth sometimes and values himself a lot ^^;;
- AW~ poor Takki's being teased by Baba and Kouhei being absolutely crazy in the corner XDDD be nice, you two!! They can't even sit still in their seats!!!
- I swear, they should never put the two of them together! >_<
- next! "Chattouku"!
- "the thing you want to be said when they ate your homemade cooking" ^_^
- Kouhei and Baba is being so hyper that they didn't hear the promp ^^:;
Ouji: that was good, make it again, okay? ^_^ (aw~ so cute!!)
Minami: I want to eat more (in a really gangsta voice!!!! XDDDDDDDDD)
Baba: Aituuuuuuse!! (love you) ...then he realize it's not it ^^;; so again.... Umatuuuuuuuseeee!!!! (delicious!) with Kouhei poking out in the end! XD
Kato: Ashita mo onegaishimasu ^_^ (make it again tomorrow, something like that)
Takki: let's make it together next time ^_^ (he stumbled on his words a little so he's being made fun of >_< aw~ Takki's being bullied so much today by Baba and Kouhei!)
Kouhei: it's good...Umatuuuuse!! (with Baba poping out at the end >_<)
Masei: *first tells the kindergarteners in the background to shut up!* Let's make it together next time ^_^
- next class is recess so they have to play a game where they try to get something to beep by pressing it a certain times, up to 10 times each
- wow, masei's laughing so hard they he's crying XDDDDD and he can't stop >_< (sounds like me, except I don't cry ^^;;)
- Ouji presses the button once and it says "Iyann~" O_O;;
- so they go again, Ouji about 5 times? Masei 2, Kato 5, Takki about 20 ^^;;....more and more...Baba's having fun too XD
- they go back to Ouji and he seems to be dancing
- Kato got it to go "pururin~" so he lost!! >_< again...^^;; he seems to be really bad at these games XD;;
- so he's gonna write his name in English letters!! XDDDDDDDD
- and Takki slaps his butt! >_<
- he doesn't seem to be able to do it ^^;;
- "Ikemen Brush-up"
- they have to rank the qualities of a boyfriend ^^
- most of them say it doesn't matter if they're smart, as long as you like them ^_^
- Baba likes the hobby one XD I bet he likes someone who he can fool around with ^____^
- Ouji's hot apparently cuz he's trying to strip while Kato was talking~ *shotshotshot* anyway...he says niceness is best ^^
- final answer is....
2 "is nice"
4 "falls more in love [with you] whenever you're together (or not together)"
3 "similar hobbies"
5 "smart"
1 "good personality"
- none of them got perfect ^^;;
- Kouhei has Starbucks! I think...? XD
- next is "Homeroom"
- "I don't like doing marathons, is there a way to get me more enthusiastic about it?"
- Baba, Kato and Masei's done Sports festivals until last year ^^
- Kato didn't particpate?!
- they say it still depends on wether or not they're looking forward to doing it ^^
- their solution is to look forward to it and just enjoy it ^^
- "I like an older person and has confessed(?), but he got a girlfriend already, and I saw him walking with her one day while I was out with my friends, what should I do?"
- Kouhei's freaking out for some reason O_O;; cuz he doesn't like that kinda guy (such a sweet guy!)
- they say that the guy shouldn't ignore the poor girl and just message her and talk to her (I hope that's the gist of it)
- "There's no teamwork at my group at the Sports Festival, what should I do?"
- Masei says they have to cheer up a person whenever they're down ^_^ so everyone can work together
- Lucky Girl!!
- it's #26! cuz it's the day that the CD came out ^_^
- aw~ she looks so cute! >_<
- she's from Kagawa!
- and she bought their CD!!
- and she's a...Masei fan!!
- last chime~! ;_;
- tomorrow is their event!! omg, they're so hyper that I thought my ears were gonna fall off! >_<
- and they all give their words of the show ^_^
- they had A LOT of fun today ^_^
- and they say good bye~!!! :DDDD
- then they're taking pictures with the girl ^__^
Today's was OMG SO HYPER!!! My ears hurt from listening to them yell and scream and laugh like crazy XDDD But it's nice to the boys so happy ^___^ Baba and Kouhei were being REALLY friendly/happy in their corner today XD Who's the one that gave them a sugar fix before the show? *shot* By the end of the show, their hyperness has rubbed off to the rest of the population!
I also realized that I switched from calling Yagami to calling him "Ouji" XD;; just ignore that ^^;;
I was spending half my time trying to converse in Japanese with the people in the chatroom and it was fun ^_^ They're really nice too. I really hope I can somehow get into the VIP chat next time! >_< Hope to see most of you next week toO~! ^_~
*FREAKS OUT MAJORLY* ^^;; It may not be that big of a deal for some of you, but I was literally freaking out when I saw it!!! >_<
I knew he did advertisement for his school, but what did I find?! *_______* I just wish he was wearing his school uniform ;_; But still~! WHOA!!!!
Alright, done freaking out for now ^_^;
ps. I'll reply to most of your comments tomorrow! I'm sorry! >_<
pps. YAY~! MY JOURNAL IS ONE YEAR OLD~!! ^___^ *throws confetti*