Firstly, Kisame-san asked me to advertise this ^_^ (although I'm sure many of you have already seen it, but I love him and would like to rub it in some more :D *shot*)
For Masa's birthday (Aug 23rd),
larva_zaxare planning to give him a collective present from his fans around the world!! :D~ The theme is Pirates cuz apparently he likes Pirates of the Caribbean and Johnny Depp(sounds like Tare XD) and she wants people to write messages for him so they can send it all in one huge package. You must send them your stuff by Aug 18th because they're sending it on the 19th. For contact info and stuff,
visit here! ^___^ I know it's short notice but let's all give Masa some love ne?
I think it's an awesome idea!! >_< *is excited* I wonder how he'll react? ^_^ And thank you Kisame-san for doing this~!
Anfdgoi;ghj;ks\adgf!!!!! HOLY COW THEY'RE SO PRETTY~!!! *____* I LOVE THE RIKKAI BOYS!!! o(>_<)o
Thanks to tensai_chan, I have been spazzing over the prettiness and dorkiness of the Rikkai boys all day!!!! She scanned the extra booklet that comes with buying the entire photsets of the Rikkais (think that's how it works). IT IS LIKE WHOA~~~!!!! *sparkling*
- 1: cannot help noticing Masa sitting right in front of you with Genki *__* and Ono-kun has such a pretty smile! >_< I actually had to look for Yagami there... ^^;;
- 2: i conclude, Kane is a dork :D;;
- 3: Renn~
- 4: I aw-ed my face off with this one o(>_<)o, my eyes did not not go straight to Ono's cute little face...>.>
- 5: ah~~ Masa~~ *speechless*
- 6: this one's cute! >_< they remind me of little ducks walking across the road XD And I like Ono's shoes~ Ono + high heels...O_O Renn looks like a teacher
- 7: Renn! I didn't know he had a piercing too
- 8: this one's amusing XD ...oh no! Jutta's gonna make Ono and Genki dissapear!
- 9: HOLY COW they look like newlyweds! O_O *shot* ...but seriously!! they do!!!!!
- 10: whoa Jutta! ...I wonder if you can see the camera man from his eyes...?
- 11: need I say more for this one? ^___^
- 12: go boys go! ^^ Kane makes it look effortless ^^;; while Genki seems to be struggling
- 13: Baba~!!! *cries* *__*
- 14: AAAWWWWWW~!!!!!!! Ono look so happy, Renn looks so cute in his glasses, and Genki reacts just like Kirihara! >_<
- 15: *drool* >_< (btw, does Masa have two holes in one ear?)
- 16: gangsta Jutta! XD
- 17: O__O bet Yagami's loving that one ^__^ *shot*
- 18: *squee some more* so. cute!! Kane's curled up in the corner XD (I'm surprised the little bed can hold them all ^^;) again, my eyes did not not go immediately to you-know-who...
- 19: EEEPPPPPP!!! such a pleasent smile ^___^
- 20: as Jessie would say, "Buchou~!!"
- 21: this one's sweet! ^^ Genki really looks like Kirihara :D
- 22: I was laughing my head off with this one XD~ "let's see how much we can make Baba's hair can stand up!!" Baba: "Uh...O__O"
- 23: cool Jutta~!!
- 24: *melts* (~-.-)~
- 25: aw! Genki looks like everyone abandoned him! *huggles*
- 26: what happens when you try and fit 4 fully grown boys men, onto a kiddy slide? XDDD~
- 27: he looks so sweet!!
- 28: I nearly died seeing this *______* OMGOMG!! I love them!
- 29: *nearly dies again from squeeing so much*
- 30: *__* he looks so cool!
- 31: AWWW~!! ...see, Baba's making a funny face! (now parents shall not tell me not to XD) ...and looks like Masa's saying something to many comments, will shut up now
- 32: Genki's so adorable!!!
- 33: the end ^_^
SO ADORABLE!!!!! Me so want!! >_< ...;_;
Yes, I talk too much, I'm sorry m(_ _)m I shall try to refrain myself next time ^^;;;
Nana~ it looks like there's not gonna be Amest this week! T^T (they usually tell by Tues.) *clings* And I realized that this week, they myu boys will be headed to Osaka which means 5/7 of the cast won't be there and obviously they really can't do shows until Sept! ...unless Kouhei and Kato does a lot. O_O But once school starts....
I am saddened. *clings* but hopefully we'll find something else to fangirl about ne? ^_~
Finally, I'm done~ ^_^