Every manga/anime will be turned into musicals some day

Jan 20, 2012 22:59

Was just watching GiriGiri Morning #13 (with Onoda as guest) and, this has nothing to do with the show itself but, there's gonna be a Code Geass Musical?! And Ono-kun's gonna be in it?!? O.O Better question is, what's his role?!
I can totally imagine Lelouch singing his heart out to Suzaku and this whole thing in musical-style...OMG THIS WILL BE EPIC. Well, it better be epic! XD
(so behind on this fandom orz)

That is all. It's the weekend. I came home early today, but have not done anything productive...like that stupid online course of mine.

am: code geass, x: nico namahousou, talent: ono kento

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