Feels like it's been a while since I got to see GGM live! XD (I've yet to catch up on the broadcast on the 20th)
Today's guest was Okawa Genki! It's been forever since I saw him too lol.
As usual, the boys were VERY laid back. I had a feeling they're not even that awake at that hour of day ^^; Genki kept saying how Kane-chan would ignore all the cue cards from the staff and just go on as he pleases.
Today's theme seemed to have been that they were all new-casters (cuz of the way they were sitting probably). Ono-kun was the weather forecaster from Planet Helium, I didn't catch what Baba and Kane-chan was supposed to be, but Genki introduced himself as being the financial reporter XD;
ANYWAY. The point of this post is mainly to pimp out the adorable child Ono-kun was *-*
;aldsijf;aldfja;ldkjf;lasdkjfa;ldf OMFG *brain explodes*
Baba was saying how it was too cute to show the viewers, but Ono-kun seemed to be eager to show it XD
Look at his love for cars from the age of 2! ^^ apparently on Planet Helium, you could get your license at the age of 2 8D
And this Kane-chan as a child:
He's the one at the top, the bottom is his younger sister ^^
Baba's picture...was too disappointing so I didn't take a cap XD;
I didn't write up a review while watching, but if anyone's interested, let me know~ ^^
Omg, I just realized that there's so many nama-housous this week...Tuesday is Heat Up Eve, Thursday is S&L's Rose Tea Garden, Friday is Shakari-Kick, and next Monday is GGM again o.o And just when hell term school was starting....OTL.