Giri Giri Morning #3!

Jun 25, 2011 23:20

Was zoning out most of the show, so didn't write up a review like normal.
But pictures are worth a thousand words, right? :D

I'll keep my babbling to a minimum

Ono-kun looked like a farmer today XD

Serenading "Happy Birthday" for Baba and Kane-chan LOL

Kane-chan's amazing drawing ability:


Ono-kun's attempt at drawing....


Baba's...confident drawing?


(bonus points if you can figure out what the first set of pictures are supposed to be LOL)

Chipmunk!Ono-kun!! <3 "Your girlfriend has a piece of seaweed stuck on her front tooth. What would you tell her?"


Next broadcast will be on July 9th (Sat) @11am (Japan time)!

If anyone's interested in a written up review, let me know! ^^

EDIT 2011-07-08: Super super late, but a written up review under the cut!

GiriGiri Morning #3!

- Kane-chan says hi, *gap* Baba says hi XD, then Ono-kun~ (who still looks like a farmer)
- Kane-chan got the audience to clap in rhythm for him! XD
- It's June~ and June means? Kane-chan and Baba's b-day!
- Baba had his b-day event a couple days ago
- Kane-chan says he can't remember what he did o.o; ....then he remembers! it was the opening day for the Peacemaker stageplay, so the crew was too busy to celebrate for him ^^;; But they celebrated it early because they knew they were gonna be busy
- Ono-kun brings out the cake! And sings a wonderful rendition of Happy Birthday to them!! LOL
- Baba mentions how Ono-kun sang the harmony part at the end even though he's the only one XD
- Apparently the drink is good...but Baba says it's kinda sweet...they got it upgraded, yet they're complaining XD;
- they've even got new carpet! WOW~
- any thoughts on their birthday?
- Kane-chan says he's already 27...meaning 30 is just around the corner!
- Baba says it doesn't feel much different being 23; but the 3 years since turning 20 felt really fast
- Ono-kun's turning 22 this year, which was Kane-chan's age when they first met (at Tenimyu)!
- Kane-chan asks Ono-kun what it feels like to be 22...then realizes he's not 22 yet!
- Opening call~~

CM (Boogie Woogie Night CM...somehow, it's been forever since I saw these 3 o.o)

- New corner: GiriGiri Illustration Contest
- they have 30 seconds to draw
- the audience gets to vote on who's drawing left the most impression on them
- Baba says he's confident so long as it doesn't have to look like what it's supposed to be XD
- Ono-kun says he's already given up cuz he has no confidence
- Winner gets 2 points, 2nd place gets 1 point, and the points will carry over to the next corner
- Ono-kun and his "SWEEEEETS~!" XD
- those are roll cakes look yummy!!!
- someone in the messages wrote "What is wrong with Kento today?" LOL
- First picture: Statue of Buddha
- 30 seconds is a little....short? ^^;
- Ono-kun apparently had a stageplay role where he wore(?) a buddha costume, so he should know what it looks like, but he says he's still not confident in his drawing
- Kane-chan keeps drawing when time was up and gets scolded lol
- Baba goes first....what is that? XD;;; They don't get why it has dot all over it (Ono-kun: "it looks like a lemon!") and the hurt its pinky!
- Kane-chan....oh~ it actually looks like one! (even better when compared to Baba's)
- Ono-kun...(is alien?!) the whole audience goes "EHHHH???" LOL Sorry, but he's on the same level as Baba ^^;;
- audience vote~
- Baba says his is starting to look like a potato!
- the result? Kane-chan wins with 46% (+3), Ono-kun with 31% (+1), and Baba at 22% (+0)
- Baba says it doesn't feel fair, but Kane-chan says if he lost to them, it wouldn't feel right
- someone wrote in the comments that they may get a trauma from their art LOL
- next picture: Sazae-san (an anime character)
- Ono-kun is trying to figure out if they're supposed to draw the show or the character herself (the anime itself is called "Sazae-san)
- who cares about the ending bell, Baba and Ono-kun just keeps drawing~
- Ono-kun's already given up, so he goes encore of EEEEHHHH?? ^^;
- Kane-chan...the idea is there :D the stuff at the bottom is apparently from the opening scene of the show
- really seems to like putting a hand in all his drawings! He says this one may look more like the Buddha than the other one, so he gives us a comparison
- we get to vote again~
- result? Kane-chan 67% (+3 = 6), Baba 22% (+1 = 1), Ono-kun 10% (+0 = 1)

CM~ Heat Up Eve CM!

- Next corner: Giri Giri Adlib Contest
- Ono-kun is confident in this corner he says! XD
- Baba...seems not very confident ^^; but gets reminded that if he doesn't do well here, he's screwed lol
- #1: a line to cheer on your girlfriend who's going on a diet for the summer
- they decide the order by playing janken....Kane-chan sucks at it XD; so he's left going first
- Baba introduces him, and stumbles over his words ^^;;;
- Kane-chan: I want to see your high leg cut! (I had to google "Hairegu = High leg cut" and it's a kind of swim wear that was popular in the 1980's)
- everyone's stunned and LOL-ing...Kane-chan = old!! LOL
- Baba: I'm also gaining a little weight lately, so let's work hard together *cute smile and peace gesture*
- they comment on how it's not about the line, but about the face XD
- Ono-kun: I don't not like watching you work so hard :) (it's kinda hard to translate but *FLAIL*)
- he says the trick is the fact that he's saying it from a slightly higher position from the girl
- Baba says he often ends up expressing himself with his face (more than his words) and gets scolded for it ^^;
- results: Ono-kun wins! with Baba in second....and Baba realizes there's no way he can win according to the point system
- in order to bring up his motivation, they decide to give the winner of the last question 10000 points!
- #2: a line for your girlfriend who has a piece of seaweed stuck on her front tooth
- Baba: ....*STUMBLE* wait!! let me do it again! (he got embarrased all of a sudden lol)
- Baba Take 2: Ahahaha! You've got a piece of seaweed! go to the washroom (to get it off)! *turns completely red*
- some people wrote on the message board, "that's terrible!" and "I'm gonna cry my eyes out in the washroom!" XD;
- Kane-chan says they gave him a chance to turn his points around and he just threw the chance out!
- Baba forgets the prompt LOL
- Kane-chan: You're....*something I can't understand*~~~~! (but apparently it was funny!)
- Ono-kun: You've got a piece of seaweed on your front tooth! But....I've also got one!
- the audience loves it! XD *flails*
- they comment on how Ono-kun knows just what to say
- results: Ono-kuns wins with 73%! meaning he wins overall! and gets the yummy treat~ (again lol)
- Baba is angry XD;
- Oh~ there are two forks! Baba tries to get cake >.> so Ono-kun let him have some~ ^^
- when the audience said they want to eat it too (cuz Ono-kun said it was yummy), he replied with "if you go upstairs (to the cafe) you can have some" ....Do-S! XD;


- next corner: GiriGiri Petenshi
- Baba is stumbling over his words left and right today XD;
- this time, one of them will stick their foot in a tank with Doctor Fish, which apparently will clean off the callace off your foot
- apparently one of the fish is kinda upside down...o.o
- the in-studio audience can see who has their foot in the tank ...and Kane-chan does leg-ups~
- they start.....Baba starts giggling...and so does Kane-chan...and then Ono-kun, who says "this is a new kind of feeling" XD
- the callers says it's Baba
- it's really....Ono-kun!! XDDD (his image of a farmer is not helping!)
- apparently the fish is ignoring him lol which means his skin is really smooth~
- so no sweet line for the caller~ but Baba is willing to make an exception~?!
- Caller picks...(Baba wants to be picked!)...Ono-kun! XDDDDD
- Baba regrets his decision to be nice ^^;
- Ono-kun...needs to get his foot out of the tank LOL. Nah, we'll just leave it in there and have a close-up of his face
- Ono-kun: Let's get married and we'll go Doctor fish-ing :D
- At least Baba got a warm and fuzzy feeling from being nice ^^;


- Mail-reading corner~
- #1: At home, what's a place that you can feel relaxed?
- Baba says his room, Kane-chan asks what part of his room, Baba replies that his room isn't that big to begin but he likes to lie on his futon when it's been folded up and watch TV
- Kane-chan says his futon does Ono-kun
- they're so chill XD; so let's move on~
- #2: I'm afraid of getting in front of people to present. But I was picked as being a model for my class' upcoming fashion show for the Cultural Festival. Do you have any advice?
- Kane-chan says to just turn that nerves into excitment
- Baba says to imagine everyone as potatoes
- Kane-chan recalls a time when he was little, his mom told him that, but in reality, it's hard to imagine everyone as potatoes!
- instead, she should just recall Baba's picture from before 8D
- Ono-kun says it doesn't matter if you make a mistake, just get used to it and learn from it ...but they're not sure if this person's in their last year of high school or not lol
- they're still so chill...moving on~
- #3: I was writing a resume (the boys don't know that word o_o) last night from 8pm to 4am...but it froze and I lost all my work. Please cheer me up?
- must be too early in the morning that it took them a while to figure out that 8pm to 4am = 8 hours XD;
- they've had the same experience with writing blogs or memos for work on their phone, and lost everything
- the reason being is that the 3 button is right below the cancel button so they press that or another button by mistake ^^;
- but if you wrote it once, it's easier the second time (actually kinda true!)
- #4: it's almost time for festivals. What kind of Yukatas and festival stalls do you like?
- Ono-kun says he's only worn them for dramas and stuff, and not in his private life
- but what if it's for a girl? ...baba gives the typical answer that so long as it suits the person, it's good lol. Kane-chan mentions those new short yukata
- unfortunately, guys' Yukata doesn't really vary that much ^^;
- Kane-chan and Baba says they like the neck line when girls put up their hair
- for stalls...Baba like yakisoba and choco-banana~ Kane-chan likes takoyaki~ Ono-kun likes a kind of yakisoba...but can't seem to figure out what it's like ^^;
- still so chill~ so let's end the corner! XD;

- Ending and News~
- Kane-chan: Musical Kantarera & Birthday event! with Ono-kun as the guest during the Tokyo event!
- Ono-kun foreigns surprise XD;;
- Baba: movie Vampire Stories to be released....July? August? during the summer!! and there will be an event for it when it gets released~ AND SPINNING BOX WITH NAKAMASA!! <3<3<3 The tickets are already sold out~ ;D
- Ono-kun: play Hakkenden in September~
- Next episode is July 9th @ 11am!
- Bye-bye~! ^^/

(I actually got kicked out twice near the end cuz premium members came in =_= but I managed to get back in somehow, phew!)

I think this one may be more coherent than the last ones cuz I was writing this while watching it for the second time XD Thanks Hikari for the recording! <3

Well, got this done before today's show! XD;

talent: misc, talent: ono kento, talent: baba tooru, x: screencaps

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