I say that my posts will be less now that I'm back in China but since LJ is working perfectly fine, I'm posting rather a lot O_O; I'm sorry for spamming your f-pages!
(Photobucket is behaving really weird and I'm not sure if anything will show up so I'm trying to upload straight to LJ, but it's been so long I almost forgot how it worked orz)
ANYWAY. Just a random entry just to point out something I found amusing XP
Nickie (
nickie_ng ) posted caps of an event Kamiya was in and for some reason, this cap of him reminds me of Yabu Kota O___O (in case you don't know who he is, he's the guy in my icon~)
Okay...so it might just be me (it usually is ^^;;) But um, a little chubbier version of Yabu? Although yes, Kamiya does need someone to stuff a sandwich down his throat as well (or cook him square meals), but at least he looks somewhat better in this shot!
It's just too bad I don't have a shot of Yabu that could be compared to this to prove my (non-existent) point, but...humor me? XD;;;
I guess Kamiya's on my mind since it's almost time for DGS? ^^;;
On a different note, a random fanart I did almost 2 months ago while being bored at work XP
Sorry, they're both taken with a camera cuz I didn't have access to a scanner :/ Note to ask my cousin later if he has one...
Was aiming for a generic girl and ended up with this >.>
(This kinda makes me wonder...when Tieria came out of the thingy, how old was he?! o_O I'm guessing the logic answer is how old he is in the series?)
Oh but if we have Tieria, we have to have Allelujah, right?
Hm, I've been told many times by my art teacher (and friends) that I tend to make the people I'm drawing about 5 years younger XD;;;
My skills have gone down the drain~~~~~ XP
Alright, time to go back to waiting~ =)
PS. I HATE MY SCHOOL/PROGRAM ATM T______T I don't want to do work over the summer!! even though I know that if I do it like a good girl, I'll have less work to do when school starts =_=