My friend David is awesome, he actually figured out for me last night what program works for ripping asx files *____* *FLAILS*
So now that I have a save-able version of AneBoku (Aneki to Boku no Healthy Cooking) on which Ono-kun is the guest again this month, I can spazz about it~~! XD
(I find it funny how I'm watching more stuff and making more fangirl posts during exam period >.>)
AneBoku is just a short 5 min show that airs twice a month(?) with Ishiguro Aya (aka Aneki) as the hostess and she cooks with a "little brother" each month.
Like last year December, this month's guest is Ono Kento~!! ^o^ OMG so nice to see him again a;dklakldhgad <3
When the Otouto comes in the door, Aneki always make them do something...this time she made Ono-kun do an impression of Bandou Eiji XD
I have no idea what the egg is about...but whatever ^^;;
Omg this shot looks awfully familiar between me and a friend of mine orz He's so friggin tall!
I love the way he says "Aneki, what will you make for us today?"
struggling with the meat....
Aneki killing the scrambled egg! XDDD
The recipe for today was Christmas-wreath-rice-sandwich looking thing! 8D
AHAHAHA HE'S PUTTING CUCUMBER AND TOMATO ON! XD ....I think only Aeris will get that....too bad there was no lettus *shot*
Aneki was beside him laughing cuz she was saying it looks more like it's for new year's and not xmas lol
Aneki made him do another impression...I have no idea what it's about but he certainly looked stupid! XD
You can just see the WTF all over this scene LOL.
For the ending, the boys usually say "I want a girlfriend like Aneki", but this time Aneki wanted him to say it with his Bandou Eiji impression
That didn't end too well either XD;;;;
So happy to see Ono-kun on SOMETHING again *___* Been really curious to know how "Souga" went >_< Apparently they have photosets (and DVD?) for the play but they're not out yet? o_O ad;slga;dhaf;d
Anyway, he'll be on again on the 15th so looking forward to another 5 mins of Ono-kun then too (after I go an butcher my AFM 131 exam...) XD yay~
PS. if you're wondering *points to title* Bandou Eiji is apparently an actor and former baseball player, and he also belongs to Stardust Entertainment.