*deep breaths* I've never ever been to a pop concert and the first one just happens to be a Johnny's HOMG (*O*) <- can you tell I enjoyed myself XD;
Even now, I don't think the thought that I saw the boys IN REAL LIFE has sunk in yet O_O It's way too....SURREAL.
I haven't skimmed my flist or comms or anything but I'm pretty sure there are better reports out there than anything I can write, so I'll keep my part minimal. (keep in mind, I don't remember the song list so this may not be in order at all.) Also, lots of caplocks and this <3 sign lol.
- MASSES OF PEOPLE EVERYWHERE. Decided to buy goods on the inside and that was probably a good idea XD I nearly spent $100 on stuffs but who can blame me? |D
- we were right at the side of the arena at the very very back, but who cares, we were in the arena *FLAILS*
- I got SHIVERS when the lights came down and their voices were heard on the speakers *O*
- I overused the words "OH MY GOD!!!!!!" during this concert and I might have scared the poor girl beside me ^^;;;
- seeing them, however microscopic, WAS AMAZING.
- I SAW YUTO LESS THAN 10 METERS AWAY FROM ME. 'ASDFJA;K!! AHHHH~ SO ADORABLE <3 his hair was a rather funny mess by this time though XD
- Ryutarou an Yamada also came in front of us *___*
- Keito's song LOL "Welcome to the Hey!Say! Circus" or something like that XD Loved his singing and costume too <3
- Chinen & Yuto's duet, somehow, I can see YabuHika doing it |D *totally biased* (maybe it was the blue and red lights they used...) but it was the "Yuu-to Yuu" thing so lol.
- Daiki's solo was cute too~ He was the driver of a ship :D I loved how BEST backed for him and came out with funny sea animal creatures~
- YABUHIKA TEARS AND SMILE = <3<3<3<3<3 The two on guitars and Inoo-chan on piano~ and I think Yuto was on drums? I wish they sung for longer T_T
- Other probably already mentioned this, but the MC corner wasn't all too exciting, they just stood around and talked. o_o That and a crap load of press came. Still, it was nice to even just see them stand there about 100m away from me |D
- INOO-CHAN SO CUTE!! <3 He even has a test tomorrow and his planner was carefully picked out by Yabu ^___^ but it appears he doesn't use it much cuz it's troublesome and Yabu got angry with him XD
- INOO'S ALSO LEARNING CHINESE. *MAJOR FLAIL* the boys made him say something and he said "Wo shi Inoo kei (or however his kanjis are read in chinese)" I NEARLY MELTED RIGHT THEN AND THERE. Inoo-chan, you are now officially my third favouritest member <3
- 'SD;JFADJF;A HIKARU ADMITTED DURING THE PRESS CONFERENCE-TYPE THING THAT HE ACCIDENTALLY USED YABU'S TOOTHBRUSH ONE MORNING WHILE BEING HALF AWAKE!!!!!!!!! *MELTING MOMENT #2.* Yabu did look a little concerned at this though XD he was probably thinking how he's been using his own toothbrush without knowing that Hikaru's already stuck it in his mouth LOL.
- BEST & 7 have different change rooms but they like to visit each other so it really doesn't make sense XD
- Dai-chan takes 20min showers after the shows and Yabumama is all concerned about how long they have to take showering lol.
- Takaki got a hair cut, for today, the other boys claim XD
- JUMP made two annoucements: 1. They will release their first photobook in the fall *O* TOTALLY GETTING. 2. They're having another Tokyo Dome conert in September (this really doesn't apply to me so I didn't get too excited >.>)
- Yabu's My Everything (accompanied by Inoo-chan on the piano) was so pretty~!! It made me love him even more <3
- random comment but the boys' voice are very good live too (though hard to hear at times cuz of all the screaming fans) ^^
- I bet everyone loved the part where Yamada stripped XD I admit I screamed too LOL.
- I wanna ride on that giant flying platform~
- Yabu says he'll do half of Hokuto's homework, ahaha!
- Too bad Yabu was on the other side of the arena most of the time ;_; Hikaru was on this side a lot though.
- But, when he did come to this side, even though it wasn't at me and he was uber small and far away, YABU LOOKED AND WAVED IN MY GENERAL DIRECTION!! Let me just fantasize for a little bit >.>
- Poor Ryutarou always get into trouble when compared to Shintarou >_< He was blamed for not helping to walk their dog when Shin-chan got away with not feeling it O_O
- Poor Keito tripped while going up some of the stairs but giggled it off lol.
Hm...I can't think of anymore. And this ended up getting kinda long anyway, sorry ^^;;;
I also didn't dare sneak photos so there's not much to show. But, cousin did come with me to buy me a new camera (old one really sucks) so I can start taking pictures soon~ ^^v
Haha, I've also taught my cousin that my favourite in the group was Yabu XD
Tomorrow is a day with Sheryl~ can't wait!! *___*