Well then

Jun 23, 2006 02:01

I started my first day of beauty school today.


But kinda boring too, we did a lot of sitting around and talking about rules and regulations and whatnot.

I'm gonna be going there from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM every Tuesday thru Saturday ALL SUMMER. Minus the 4th of July.

Thats the only shitty part.

We started working on mannequin [sp?] heads today doing rollers. We haveto get 300 hours of practice time in before we can get on the floor.

We're sposed to get 360 hours done by August 31st. By NEXT August 31st we're sposed to have all 1640 hours finished, then we can take the state test to become licensed.

This is all really exciting!!!

I've decided that I'm gonna come up with a new makeup style for me. I'm going to explore NEW horizons! I'm getting tired of the plain black eyeliner around my eyes EVERY DAY. So I'm gonna explore my eyeshadow much more.

I pierced my tongue last week.
It hurt for about 3 or 4 days before I could talk ro eat without a huge lisp or it hurting.

But now its fine and I downsized the ring today.
I feel like I've had it forever!
I love it :):):)

It's still a little sore, but only a little. When I talk a lot it starts to get realy sore but other than that...I can eat solid food already! I had nachos and velveeta today and a soft taco yesterday. It made me happy :) :D

OH and I dyed the back part of my hair bright orange.

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