
Jun 10, 2006 21:49

It's really amazing...looking back and seeing how people have changed...

I've only lived here since Freshmen year and already I'm seeing that people have just...changed. I can't imagine how weird it would be to have been here since grade school.

Myself included.

It's strange when I think of the people I used to be close to, and I talk to most of them maybe 2 or 3 times a month now.

Most people haven't changed DRAMATICALLY. But it's still weird to look at the small things like the taste in music or clothing. The outer things. The only things I can really pay attention to because we're [in general] so distant.

It doesn't make me sad. I'm indifferent about it. I know that people change and drift away from eachother. It's just something that happens in life.

It's just something I've been thinking about a lot lately because I've just been reviewing the last few years since I'm gonna be a senior next year. Just thinking of the good and the bad. The things that really meant something.

We may not be siper close now.
When we're older we may not even remember eachothers faces.
But we will always remember how we've made eachother feel.

And thats what counts.

I love you.
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