First Day of College

Sep 06, 2002 14:36

My first day was kind of funny. See, I had a class at 10 a.m. but the thing is i caught the bus late and so i got to class late, i felt like a dummy. Later i apologized to the psychology teacher and she wasn't mad, she just smiled and said it was ok plus, she ended class early, which made me happy. My next class was Popular Culture and The Media, funny thing is I had no teacher, he didn't show up to class that day, so that class ended early. Ruchita, this girl I met through Bushra (Bushra's a friend of mine and Rubeena's) had the same class with me, so she invited me to her dorm since there was no teacher. I chilled there and then went to my Algebra Skills class where I found Bushra and Fozia (another friend of mine and Rubeena's). I sit next to Bushra and she asks where were you this morning; you never came to class. I was like, what are you talking about? She's responded that the Algebra Skills teacher called my name out that morning but I wasn't there. I looked at my schedule for wednesday and it said:
Mon.Wed.Fri.-9 am to 9:50 am but, it also says Wed.-12 to 12:50 pm and i thought that on wednesdays i was only suppossed to go at 12, I was wrong. I have to go twice on wednesdays. The first algebra skills class is where the real teacher teaches and the second class is just to help you out with what the teacher didn't explain to you. Oh well. I'll see him friday and I already left a reason with his secretary or something on wednesday, on why I missed class. Bushra gave me the hw for the math class and the notes, so, i'm already up to date. I did the hw already, which was due today, so I'm one lucky girl for having some friends in algebra class. I will never miss that class again and i won't be late (I hope). Thursday went better. My first class was The Global Challenge which was just telling us how to use our webmail account and stuff.( The Global Challenge is a class online, we are just meeting in person for the first two weeks, then the seventh, and finally the fifteenth week, the rest of the weeks in between we just go online for the work, no classroom). The next one was English Composition 1 and all we did was write an essay on a topic given to us. She gave hw. Read these two essays from a book called Short Takes. The book is filled with essays from students and from professional writers. It teaches you about perfecting your writing style for essays. I have no days off, so at the most, I have four classes on mondays and wednesdays, three on friday, and two on tuesdays and thursdays, which will be later reduced to one because the global challenge is online work. Most of my classes are in the morning, my latest class ends at 2:50 pm and that's it. I like college so far, i like the freedom. No one's telling me when to do homework, or where to go, when to eat, like in high school, i love it. Most of the classes are small and are in classrooms, none of my classes are in lecture halls because they (teachers) want to be more personal with you. I was surprised that I didn't get lost and anyway it's a small campus, so everything is close by. Don't know what else to say, I'm just happy its the weekend so I can sleep.
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