1. I friended you because a guy from Jersey City who can write his thoughts out in complete sentences is a rarity and therefore someone worth talking to. 2. I associate you with Spiderman, have no clue why, first thing that came into my mind, maybe because of your name. 3. I like that whenever I do post a writing on lj, you are the first to comment with something intresting/insightful. It shows you actually took the time to read my post all the way. 4. Since I have never met you in person, this question is kind of difficult. The memory of you that I do have is a comment you made after I posted something in which I said I felt like damaged goods. You left a comment saying that I shouldn't feel that way because then I would never move on or something to that effect. Anyway, I still remember you commented and that it was helpful. 5. Hm, Chester Bennington, lead singer of Linkin Park. 6. What is your full name? And if you don't want to answer that, what high school did you go to? 7. My favorite user pic is the crazy looking angry monkey. 8. You must spread this disease in your LJ.
1. I friended you because a guy from Jersey City who can write his thoughts out in complete sentences is a rarity and therefore someone worth talking to.
2. I associate you with Spiderman, have no clue why, first thing that came into my mind, maybe because of your name.
3. I like that whenever I do post a writing on lj, you are the first to comment with something intresting/insightful. It shows you actually took the time to read my post all the way.
4. Since I have never met you in person, this question is kind of difficult. The memory of you that I do have is a comment you made after I posted something in which I said I felt like damaged goods. You left a comment saying that I shouldn't feel that way because then I would never move on or something to that effect. Anyway, I still remember you commented and that it was helpful.
5. Hm, Chester Bennington, lead singer of Linkin Park.
6. What is your full name? And if you don't want to answer that, what high school did you go to?
7. My favorite user pic is the crazy looking angry monkey.
8. You must spread this disease in your LJ.
-Floyd Bennett (Some friends call me Jabari)....looooooooong story =)
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