Love is Hell (An Anthology)

Mar 23, 2009 17:41

Amazon: Supernatural romance is the well-chosen theme of five original stories by as many authors. After her family moves into a house where a boy was murdered, Laurie Faria Stolarzs protagonist finds herself falling in love with his ghost; Gabrielle Zevin introduces a high school student who may (or may not) be overidentifying with the book she is reading; and Scott Westerfeld looks into a future where hormonal balancers tamp down teen romances and bioframes obviate sleep and dreams. Melissa Marr and Justine Larbalestier reinterpret folklore conventions, Marr writing about selkies and Larbalestier about faeries. Theres enough variety to round out the central theme, and consistently supple storytelling will lure readers through all five entries. A portion of the proceeds will benefit the national nonprofit organization College Summit.

This was an intreuging anthology by a few authors who have written books that I've enjoyed. I'd give it an A. Being a book of short stories the characters complexities needed to be put out there ar the very beginning given the small number of pages and these authors worked extremely well with that. It was a romance book, which sometimes leaves supporting characters out for more time with the main couple and I didn't really feel this book suffered from that downfall, though. It was a nice book that went deeper than simple fluffy romance, which I really liked. I'm considering looking into other anthology's like this one in the future.


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