Fic: "Through the Scope (Fire At Will)" [The November Man, Mason/Devereaux]

Dec 29, 2014 16:34

Title: Through the Scope (Fire At Will)
Author: Sandrine Shaw
Fandom: The November Man
Pairing: David Mason/Peter Deveueaux
Rating: PG-13
Summary: In the morning, Devereaux will tell him that this was a one-time thing, and David will roll his eyes and say, "Jesus, don't get your panties in a bunch, old man. I wasn't going to propose or anything," and they'll both pretend to forget that it ever happened.
Disclaimer: The characters belong to people with more power and money than me. I'm only borrowing them for a while; no copyright infringement intended.
Author's Notes: Oh God, this movie! That was single-handedly the gayest movie I saw in 2014 (and, bear in mind, that was the year that brought us CA:TWS and canonically gay Kill Your Darlings...). If you have a chance, go and see it, and watch a retired CIA agent and his former protégé pretend that they want to kill each other and mope a lot because they hurt each other's feelings. Thanks to the lovely glitterburn for the beta!

Read the story on AO3.
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